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Nurgle Spawn conversion ideas


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Hey all! I've got eight spawn I've got to build for my IW force and they're going to be marked for Nurgle. I bought four kits of spawn and have the bodies all glued together. However, I'm kind of running low on ideas for nurgl-ifying these guys. Obviously the bloated bellies are a must, but I don't want them all to have the exact same mutations. However, a lot of the ones that come in the box don't really scream "Nurgle" to me (spikes, spines, crab claw, etc). So, I figured I'd ask you all for some ideas biggrin.png I already GSd one of them up with some hive vents on his back and his mouth. Pics below!




Sorry, they're a little dark. Don't really have access to the best lighting in here. Anyway, that's the only one I've got so far, and there's seven more to go. Any ideas would be appreciated! happy.png I'm still trying to decide on a paint scheme too. Ugh, hobby decisions are the worst :P



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If you could get a *really* tiny drill bit, you could put some holes in one. Like it took some hits and was like "Naw, I still got this!"


Oh, and give one a horn, horns are all kinna cool!

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A quick method to do boils is to add a mound of greenstuff and press the inner tube of a ball point pen into it to give a raised centre piece. Groups of three give a very Nurgle feel.

Another idea is to get a small Nurgling and dig out a cavity in the chest or back area, embed the Nurgling into this so it looks like he's emerging (or you can get the Blight King piece)

I also liked my River Troll conversions, mixing it in with the Chaos Spawn kit.


Chaos Spawn One After 1



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