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Sometimes it's all about the size.... of the Bloodthirster


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As a long time 40k player, I have two of the older metal Bloodthirsters that are eager to once again see the battlefield but they are feeling a bit inadequate compared to the new kit. This post is not about whether I can use the old models or not, but rather a question about sprucing them up with some of the new models bits. Now I know that from the size comparisons I have seen the new kit is almost double the size of the old models, but has anyone tried adapting the new weapons to the older models? If you have done said conversions would you care to share any pictures of how you made the new weapons work with the old models. I would really like to be able to field the 'D' thirster, but I'm not about to fork out $100+ for the new fancy kit.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions on making this work on a gaming dad's budget msn-wink.gif

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I get that the new kits look huge and awesome, but honestly I love seeing old models on the table. Brings a bit of nostalgia to the field :P I've still got a bunch of old 2nd ed marines and termies that I use from time to time. The looks I get are usually of shock, followed by something along the lines of "holy crap, you actually have some of those?!?!?!" :D





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Old Bloodthrister, easier to block line of sight behind a Land Raider tongue.png Besides, these are collector items probably, it would be bad mojo to splice them up with new kits ^^

But that's just my opinion !

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good old old-school-cool :)


I got several original traitor marines in my force and some realm of chaos bloodletters, also the original keeper of secrets and great unclean ones. so I suggest like above keep them as they are :)

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