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Making Blood Look Wet

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Hey everyone!  I've recently acquired a pot of GW "Blood For the Blood God" technical paint which, unsurprisingly, is designed to be used for blood effects on models.  However, as can be seen in my Land Raider pics below, this Technical dries in a fashion similar to regular blood and just ends up looking like a stain or a scab.


Now, that's not necessarily a bad thing, per se, but that is not the effect I really wanted.  Does anyone have any tricks for using this Technical (or other methods) to create a 'bloody' effect that won't dry out and look flat?  I would like for the paint to look "fresh" even after it dries, with a visible luster to it.  Any tips would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks.


Land Raider Access Doors

This is when the Technical was still wet (mostly), shortly after I applied it.  At this point, it looked pretty much exactly how I wanted it to.


Land Raider Interior

The Technical started to dry here, however, so I thought that maybe adding additional layers would help thicken it to be more viscous and, well, bloody.


Black Legion Land Raider Complete

In the end, though, it all ended up drying to what you see here.  Mostly just a deep red stain with no "wetness" to speak of.  It's good enough, but not what I was going for.

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Are you trying to depict fresh blood?  Because dried blood doesn't look quite the same (I have several years of experience in dialysis and hospital work).  It loses much of its vibrancy and darkens.


Yes, fresh blood.  The Blood for the Blood God technical paint manages to simulate dried blood quite well, but that wasn't what I was going for.  I'll try some of the suggestions here and see how that works.  Thanks!

I haven't used that much BFTBG, but it definitely has shown itself to look "drier" than Tamiya Clear Red.  Tamiya Clear Red, unless mixed with something to darken it (like Clear Blue or some ink or something), looks pretty fresh, in my opinion.


So, was someone murdered inside the Land Raider during the battle?  Or is it a field ambulance or something?  Not trying to sound snarky, just wondering what you have in mind with the fresh blood effect.


It's a Chaos Land Raider of Khorne, typically filled with Khorne Berzerkers.  Those guys are always covered in blood!


Actually, I was trying to convey the whole 'daemonic possession' rule that allows a transport to "eat" one of the units embarked in it in order to repair a hull point during battle.


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