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Thousand Sons Help

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So, from what I read, they are good for 2 things :

1) Add to the Warp Charge pool thanks to the Sorcerer

2) They are great to scare off heavy infantry and pin it in cover, while their 4+ invulnerable means that they are not scared of larger weaponry.


So, overall, they are great for board control, but being the mainstay of a Chaos army isn't necessarily their strong suits ;) A squad will be more than fine though :

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Hey guys im looking at getting a squad of these guys as i love their lore and models can they be useful at all?

no. there are better and cheaper source of power dice and to do anti meq they have to get in to rapid fire range, else they aren't much better then a unit of csm or pms with dual plasma.


If you like 1ksons models use them as csm counts as.

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Hey guys im looking at getting a squad of these guys as i love their lore and models can they be useful at all?

no. there are better and cheaper source of power dice and to do anti meq they have to get in to rapid fire range, else they aren't much better then a unit of csm or pms with dual plasma.


If you like 1ksons models use them as csm counts as.



I feel like these guys could be good for backfield objective holding. The Slow and Purposeful sucks, but a 4+ invul and AP 3 bolters is nothing to sniff at. And if you're just going to plop them on top of an objective and leave them there with a sorcerer to support them with buffs, the Slow and Purposeful is now moot and I don't see many units wanting to take that objective. Or, the enemy throws an overpowered star unit at it, turning the sons into a tarpit and effectively taking that pain in the butt unit out of the fight. 

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Hey guys im looking at getting a squad of these guys as i love their lore and models can they be useful at all?

no. there are better and cheaper source of power dice and to do anti meq they have to get in to rapid fire range, else they aren't much better then a unit of csm or pms with dual plasma.


If you like 1ksons models use them as csm counts as.



I feel like these guys could be good for backfield objective holding. The Slow and Purposeful sucks, but a 4+ invul and AP 3 bolters is nothing to sniff at. And if you're just going to plop them on top of an objective and leave them there with a sorcerer to support them with buffs, the Slow and Purposeful is now moot and I don't see many units wanting to take that objective. Or, the enemy throws an overpowered star unit at it, turning the sons into a tarpit and effectively taking that pain in the butt unit out of the fight. 



Slow and purposeful doesn't really matter to be honest-they are not a unit you want to be assaulting with, so it doesn't really effect 1k sons. Moreover, they are too expensive to just be sitting around on an objective, especially considering against anything ap4 or above, they are just as durable as any other MEQ unit in our army. You're also wasting their use, namely anti MEQ fire at 12" range, no option for a longer range weapon that would make objective camping a good use for them. Short of using a balestart crimson slaughter sorc, there also really are no useful buffs for them. 


1k sons are never going to be a top notch option with our current dex, but they do have a place in an army for some anti MEQ, even if drakes are a better choice. 

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From experiences with Thousand Sons, use them agressively.


Thez can take a surprising amount of firepower to remove, which is invaluable in the game of AP2 shooting to remove marines. 


Put them in rhinos to get them into rapid fire range ASAP, No special weapons mean you can take 9 and a character and not miss out on weapon slots. 


Combine with long range anti tank and AP2 weaponry (obliterators)

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Hey guys im looking at getting a squad of these guys as i love their lore and models can they be useful at all?

no. there are better and cheaper source of power dice and to do anti meq they have to get in to rapid fire range, else they aren't much better then a unit of csm or pms with dual plasma.


If you like 1ksons models use them as csm counts as.



I feel like these guys could be good for backfield objective holding. The Slow and Purposeful sucks, but a 4+ invul and AP 3 bolters is nothing to sniff at. And if you're just going to plop them on top of an objective and leave them there with a sorcerer to support them with buffs, the Slow and Purposeful is now moot and I don't see many units wanting to take that objective. Or, the enemy throws an overpowered star unit at it, turning the sons into a tarpit and effectively taking that pain in the butt unit out of the fight. 


They cost too much for back objective holding. And that is assuming opponent has a bad list and is somehow unable to kill 5 meqs.

+4inv does nothing most of the time. Meq die to multi shot weapons more offten then to low ap. +4inv is good if someone has re-rolls or i they are on multi wound models. the ap3 bolters are horrible. 4 dudes shoting at over 12" is what 1 meq dead?

A death star is going to walk over a small 1ksons units and it will walk over a big one too. The rate of attacks will kill them. What is even worse the large 1ksons squad that dies to a deathstars in 7th ed, not only dies but cost as an arm and a leg. a tar pit unit is something like nurgle zombis or pms[who are actualy tough with their two saves adn t5]. And you want to add a sorc on top of it to buff them? that is what 600pts+possible slay the warlord for a unit that dies to any knight and any deathstar that charges it? heck if someone pulls of a charge with a normal melee unit or something supported by a melee HQ he can grind them down.



Ah and when you say that S&P doesn't hinder them much, you do remember that by having it they can't overwatch?

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Good points guys while i love the models il wait and see if Daemonkin does anything for them first when tzeench gets his


I am really hopefully a Tzeentch Daemonkin book as well. Until then I still plan on getting them, but I know it will be a pain.

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+4inv does nothing most of the time. Meq die to multi shot weapons more offten then to low ap. +



You definitely need an 'in my environment' disclaimer there.


In my local meta, AP2 shooting wipes MEQ. Maybe we need more than 25£% terrain...

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