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What Titan is it?

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I'm afraid I'm not sure what you're talking about.  IA Vol. II has Space Marine tanks on the cover (different depending on which edition) and IA II has an Eldar flyer.


IA Vol. I (2nd Ed.), Vol. VI, Apocalypse and Apocalypse II all have a Reaver on the cover.  Vol. VII and Vol. XIII have a Warhound.  Vol. XI has a Phantom.

The new Heresy book coming has a Warlord, though that may not be the cover but an internal artwork we are seeing in the teaser video.

As for Adeptus Titanicus and Epic well the points don't translate across and in Adeptus Titanicus the weapon mix changed the points cost a great deal. A Death Bringer Warlord titan costing much more than a Nightgaunt Warlord Titan because of it's additional weapons and voidshields.


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