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Lord of Skulls and Thunderblitz

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I personally do not have a Lord of Skulls, mostly because I'd rather flesh-out my army before investing in one big model, but I'm wanting to get one to work with my Chaos Marines and Khorne Demonkin.


I remember that the main criticism was that it couldn't Stomp, which is a big deal, BUT it can do other things that things like Knights or other mean CC Super Heavy Walkers couldn't do: Thunderblitz/Tank Shock.


I think this is a bigger advantage because, let's say that you're fighting a Guard army with a screen of infantry and they have their Baneblade or Russ Squadron behind them. Normally a Super Heavy Walker would have to try and clear a path with shooting (depending on the Walker, it could potentially do so easily), but may not be garunteed that the path will be clear. The Lord of Skulls has the greater advantage in these cases, if there are multiple units blocking the way to the intended target, it can Thunderblitz through them thereby making the path it required to charge the target in the Assault Phase. Yes you'd be giving up shooting, which may or may not hurt you, but let's say your on your last few hull points and you really need that charge, to prevent it dying before getting rid of the target, you could forego your shooting and clear the path with your Thunderblitz.


Another thing you could do is Thunderblitz the Super Heavy Tank/Walker to attempt to strip off a few hull points (the Lord of Skulls ranged weapons aren't really suited for fighting other Super Heavies anyhow) and then charge in. You could also do this against a Gargantuan Creature because you'd likely survive the Death or Glory (they could move out of the way, but with how big most of them are that might not be an option, so they'd likely Death or Glory) because Super Heavies can't suffer Crew Stunned or Immobilized, and because Tank Shocks "remove from play" you be garunteed D3 wounds before the charge.


These could be extreme or limited cases to do this, but it's something a Lord of Skulls could take advantage of that other Super Heavy Walkers couldn't. So Thunderblitz instead of Stomp isn't neccessarily an automatic "no" for this model, although 888pts is not cheap, especially when you upgrade it, so there's that.


Has anyone ever tried this and it worked out or no? I'd be interested to hear any tactics on how to use the Lord of Skulls effectively.

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So would I as I also quite like the look of the Lord of Skulls too smile.png skullhurler looks pricey but fun.

I would ideally like to upgrade it to have the Skullhurler and Demongore Cannon, though making him 1013pts. I'd just love to place that Helstorm template over a unit of Carnifexes and Instant Kill them all nuke.gif devil.gif nuke.gif

EDIT: the Demongore Cannon would probably be best against Necrons to lower their Reanimation Protocols.

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