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Reworking Sonic Blasters


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Making it assault just means we have yet another one of those 'run-towards-the-enemy' chaos units, and I personally feel we have enough of those and then some. I would rather that Noise Marines contributed to some role other units don't already do well enough.



1) Noise marines like getting close to the enemy

2) Due to the doppler effect, sonic weapons should increase in strength in a turn where NM move closer to the enemy

3) The only 'run toward the enemy' units I can think of are combat only (zerkers, muties, maulers, possessed). We also have lots of short ranged firefighters (thousand sons, plagues, csm with specials, termies etc etc). What we don't have is a mobile platform for high ROF weapons. The only one of those we have is obliterator assault cannons, and then only every other turn.

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1) Noise marines like getting close to the enemy

you mean in like the fluff right? because no shoting unit wants to be in melee.


the problem with nm is the old problem of chaos being 1 BL light book[spread over multiple books] to make multiple factions/legions/etc.

How they should look like depends on what ever NM are suppose to be a core of an army or just a special unit.

To give an example. loyalist terminators had to be give OP rules to be even close to being viable, GK terminators are a good core unit in this edition.

If NM are suppose to be an "elite" unit that does anti cover. Then the only problem with them is the cost of the upgrades. Free SBs and they are ok.

IF they are suppose to be playable as troops, then just a point drop won't help much[trust me I played EC in the PM/obli/2xDP times] there are too many problems with anti tank, load outs that work against each other [syren vs other sonic weapons].

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Give them the "suspensor web option"?




Heavy 3 and max weapon range or assault 3 at half range and its a choice you make on which mode you chose before shooting.

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