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Chaos Icons and unique ways to represent them


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So, I've got three units of Iron Warriors with Icons of Vengeance (we have to get fearless somehow rolleyes.gif). After building my minis, I was about to clip the Undivided banner and stick him onto a model, but as I was looking at it I couldn't help but feel like for CSM armies that don't really worship Chaos (IW, NL, etc), a marine toting a banner around that obviously represents the pantheon of Chaos didn't seem all that fluffy. Moreover, the other four icons in the box, while appropriate, seem to be repetitive and overused. I mean, 99% of the armies I see and the units that get built have a big ol' banner on a stick to use as an Icon. It got me thinking, what other ways would be a good way to represent an Icon? I absolutely can't stand players that take x piece of wargear that does something for their unit and don't have it somewhere visible on the model. Grenades and pistols are one thing, but an Icon of Chaos or a mutation are things that, IMHO, should be visible so your opponent doesn't have to ask "well, where did that rule come from?" Yeah, I know WYSIWYG is out this edition, but it seems like to me its one of those unwritten table top rules that you should at least attempt to physically kit your models with the appropriate wargear.

So, does anyone have any ideas for Chaos Icons? Or have some already modeled in a unique way? Share your thoughts smile.png I personally am thinking for the IoVs that I need, I'll be taking defaced severed heads, or perhaps Chapter Relics, of Imperial Fist marines and placing them on my miniatures happy.png



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You can always do a "trophy banner". For example you could have a chain of skulls hanging from a banner pole, a body, or captured wargear. And while you seem to have something against banners, I think they are a great option to represent icons-because you can make them unique by painting whatever symbol you want on the banner. There's also a ton of banners out there to use-pretty much any chaos unit in the fantasy range has a banner. I've used banners from chaos warriors, beastmen and daemon kits. 


You could also make a unique model to be the icon itself, swap out a head maybe from the raptor kit, different weapons etc. 

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I have heard of an Alpha Legion on this forum who represented his banners as radio transceivers. Can't remember the name though, but I remember thinking 'not a bad idea'. I also like the idea of using helmets of fallen foes as a good representative. 

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Back banners from the loyalist kits, general standards, etc.


While they may actively not worship chaos, CSM will still feature the 8 pointed star on their devices etc.


In the same way the marines do not worship the imperium, but wear the imperial eagle.


It's a sign of allegiance.

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If you don't want your CSM to carry icons for fluff reasons, then don't buy them icons.  Seriously, if fluff is important, then follow the fluff.  If fluff doesn't matter, give them icons, banners or pennants flying from trophy racks.

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