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1850 emperor's children. jet bikes!


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A list I've been daubleing with. Type in this out on a cell at so hope I don't get any typos.


Legion: emperors children.



-jet bike

-pragon blade

-sonic shrieker

-digital weapon


Command sqaud:

-X5 men

-jet bikes

-X5 phoenix spears


Mortis contemptor dread

X2 autocannons


Mortis contemptor dread

X2 autocannons


Tac squad

-srg with phoenix spear

-pistol/ccw tac



Tac squad

-srg with phoenix spear

-pistol/ccw Tac squad



Jet bike squad x3

-srg with phoenix spear

-x1 plasma cannon


Jet bike squad x3

-srg with phoenix spear

-x1 plasma cannon


Jet bike squad x3

-srg with phoenix spear

-x1 plasma cannon

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Eesh, never use plasmas on j bikes dude, one jink and you can't fire it!

Volkite all the way, occasional melta .


Also I found using sgt in ec bikes is no good, as they are meh and we are forced to challenge, it's just better not to risk it.

And melta bombs!!!

Use those points to tool up your command squad maybe?

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Eesh, never use plasmas on j bikes dude, one jink and you can't fire it!

Volkite all the way, occasional melta .


Also I found using sgt in ec bikes is no good, as they are meh and we are forced to challenge, it's just better not to risk it.

And melta bombs!!!

Use those points to tool up your command squad maybe?

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I like the idea of plasma cannon on a jet bike. It adds anti terminator ability to a relentless unit.


My only comment would be to replace the dreads with predators or scicarans, this will give you a mobile force. Rather than having to wait for the old dreads to catch up. I know they are in their for anti air, but they just don't fit the theme of a fast assult force.

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I will definitely include javelins for my Emperor's Children list when I come around to it. Just wish they didnt cost 52 GBP each laugh.png

Anyway, jetbike theme looks VERY cool! I think this will be a trully interesting army to play against. Mortis Dreadies aren't a bad idea to balance it out a little bit, however I do agree with the comments above that a more mobile units are of better use. But then again - Contemptor Dreads are amazing models msn-wink.gif

As an alternative for Mortis Contomptor Dreads, you could also take:

  • Deredeo Dreadnought with Missile launchers and Armoured Ceramite
  • Predator (keep the autocannon) with side sponson Lascannons, armoured ceramite and a pintle-mounted heavy bolter (if you wish). If the points allow you, then consider also taking an Executioner Plasma Cannon.

Just need to see how limited you are in terms of points and mybe could let something go in order to get those two in.

Have fun! thumbsup.gif

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