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What BA models/kits/units are MUST OWN


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If you had to pick 3 units that are MUST OWN for 7th edition Blood Angels players, what would you say they are?


The criteria for your answer is that they must be units that can find a place in any BA list or at least so many that your real-world $ can not go wrong investing in these units.




I have noticed quite a few “new to BA” type threads popping up and I am hoping this will help other players put their hard-earned dollars (or pounds, or pesos, or riyals, or dubloons) in the right place and not make the mistakes I did while building my own BA list over the past few months.




I will start things off:






1) Death Company (at least 10 models)


Why: If you play BA in 7th the question is “why aren’t you including DC?” Just search the B&C forums if you don’t understand why. If you ever have 115pts you don’t know what to do with, a 5-man DC squad with JP is pound-for-pound the deadliest unit in the Codex. Both their damage output and survivability increase exponentially with each model added


2) Sanguinary Priest


Why: +1 WS and FNP to any unit you want, BA or allied. Can be tooled out with anything but Terminator armor, including the AP2 Honor’s Edge sword. Also fulfills a HQ “requirement” (if you ever have that issue).


3) Assault Marines



a. This may seem obvious, but if you trawl through these B&C forums you will see there is actually somewhat of a debate on whether to use ASM, Land Speeders, Attack Bikes, or Sternguard w/ Combi-Meltas for “melta-cide” purposes. For me, however, the question surrounding ASM is the same as the DC one: why aren’t you taking them? The aforementioned units all have their purpose and can often be better than ASM, but you have to ask yourself what specific reason you are taking them over ASM. But I digress…


b. Contrary to their name, and ironic considering the mental picture everyone has of Blood Angels, ASM’s forte does not lie in Assault but rather min/max = 5 guys with 2x special weapons (Flamer, Melta, Plasma) + combi or pistol versions on your Sgt. Cheapest special weapons in the codex.


c. “We validate.” The tipping point into “must include” for me is the fact that they get either Jump Packs, a Drop Pod, or a Rhino for FREE. That’s right. No money down and no interest for 6 Turns! While this is amazing on its own, where if finds some value is as a “cab share” for special characters or other units.




Honorable mentions:


1) Dante:


Why: He’s probably the coolest character in all of the SM codexes combined, but he’s LoW so not every list can use him. Also costs almost as much as a Land Raider


2) Stormraven:


Why: only organic source of anti-air, but some clubs shy away from flyers


3) Astorath:


Why: if you like Death Company (like me) he is almost an auto-include. The reason he’s an almost is the cost, the fact that he sucks 1on1, and the awesome buffs he provide DC really only become worth investing in with units of 10+ DC




On the flip side, what would you say are the biggest waste of points and money for 7th Edition BA? The kind of units no one in their right mind should be spending money or energy on. Even if a friend lets you borrow the model, maybe better off saying “no thanks”?




My thoughts:




1) Whirlwind


Why: I have never, ever, ever, even once seen one of these in a BA list. What can they do that so many other units can’t do better or faster?


2) Techmarine


Why: 1W HQ that can maybe fix a vehicle (if he can keep up). With so many other options in HQ section, no thanks.


3) Captain Tycho


Why: It’s a bloody shame, considering such a cool backstory but I just can’t wrap my head around how to use him or why you would want to.




Those’re my thoughts.




B&C: your turn.


EDIT: Tactical Marines and Scouts are obvious, so that's why they are not listed.

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I think you should throw in Mephiston in honorable mentions also ASM by themselves using them for CC unit isnt all that great as you said DC is the best so If you have the Elites slots then Id run DC instead of ASM. HOWEVER ASM meltacide is a must own cheap kill anything with an AV turn 1 for BA. 

Are FW models allowed?

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I think you should throw in Mephiston in honorable mentions also ASM by themselves using them for CC unit isnt all that great as you said DC is the best so If you have the Elites slots then Id run DC instead of ASM. HOWEVER ASM meltacide is a must own cheap kill anything with an AV turn 1 for BA.

Are FW models allowed?

For me, Mephiston does not make the cut because you have to tailor your army in order to get the right use out of him. He, like so many units in the BA codex, are awesome but IMHO not something EVERY list can use.


As for ForgeWorld...sure! Just put them as a seperate category. I, for one, would love to know what FW units are a definite Yes/No, but obviously FW is not something everyone has access to whether due to club or cost.

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I can't tell if this is off-base from the OP or not... but my top 3 in no particular order would be:

1x box of Death co, BA tacticals, SM Command Squad.  From those boxes, you can craft EVERYTHING - including sang priests, with a better option of a jump pack (the new clam-pack priest is excellent, but his frilly collar gets in the way of jump packs I've found).  Really, can't say enough good things about the new plastic kits.  The detail, the extra bits, etc.

Then, assemble to taste.


Hope that doesn't derail!



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I can't tell if this is off-base from the OP or not... but my top 3 in no particular order would be:

1x box of Death co, BA tacticals, SM Command Squad. From those boxes, you can craft EVERYTHING - including sang priests, with a better option of a jump pack (the new clam-pack priest is excellent, but his frilly collar gets in the way of jump packs I've found). Really, can't say enough good things about the new plastic kits. The detail, the extra bits, etc.

Then, assemble to taste.


Hope that doesn't derail!



I have to agree w/ the DC and Tact boxes...the DC especially has tons of extra (and cool) weapons and shoulder pads and random bling that you can easily dress up a vanilla kit as BA quite easily.


I meant Tactical squad would be obvious b/c being a Troops choice your hands are essentially tied and you hand to go with one.


But this confirms my need for a Command Squad. I was debating one as a meat shield for Mephiston but this helps me decide.

I would actually rate scout bikers being under Whirlwinds, they may not be optimal, but for their cost (at least in my meta with tons of guard, Tau, and eldar.) They really do make a dent in lower point games.

Fair point. Scout bikes are definitely not loved, though I, personally, can at least see their use as a mobile locator beacon.

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I can't tell if this is off-base from the OP or not... but my top 3 in no particular order would be:

1x box of Death co, BA tacticals, SM Command Squad. From those boxes, you can craft EVERYTHING - including sang priests, with a better option of a jump pack (the new clam-pack priest is excellent, but his frilly collar gets in the way of jump packs I've found). Really, can't say enough good things about the new plastic kits. The detail, the extra bits, etc.

Then, assemble to taste.


Hope that doesn't derail!



I have to agree w/ the DC and Tact boxes...the DC especially has tons of extra (and cool) weapons and shoulder pads and random bling that you can easily dress up a vanilla kit as BA quite easily.


I meant Tactical squad would be obvious b/c being a Troops choice your hands are essentially tied and you hand to go with one.


But this confirms my need for a Command Squad. I was debating one as a meat shield for Mephiston but this helps me decide.



I like the command squad for BAs in general - good flexibility etc, but the kit specifically is definitely worth the buy.  As we've said, the tactical and death co kits are superb.  Toss some apoth/priest bits, other command goodies and you've got yourself darn near an army in 3 boxes.

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As far as Don't Bother, add Lemartes, Baal Predator, and regular Dreadnoughts to that list.  Lemartes is a joke for the cost, Baal is totally outclassed by standard Preds (point for point), and we have Furiosos and DC Dreads to Drop Pod in, making standard Dreads kind of redundant.


Must Have should also include Drop Pods.  Honestly, to play BA nowadays I'd put 3 of those on a starting "buy" list for any new player, over and above any Rhinos or Razorbacks.  They're cheaper (or free for AM) than the other transports, and there's not much your opponent can do to stop them from landing on his face turn 1.  They're also easy to paint and transport!

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As far as Don't Bother, add Lemartes, Baal Predator, and regular Dreadnoughts to that list. Lemartes is a joke for the cost, Baal is totally outclassed by standard Preds (point for point), and we have Furiosos and DC Dreads to Drop Pod in, making standard Dreads kind of redundant.


Must Have should also include Drop Pods. Honestly, to play BA nowadays I'd put 3 of those on a starting "buy" list for any new player, over and above any Rhinos or Razorbacks. They're cheaper (or free for AM) than the other transports, and there's not much your opponent can do to stop them from landing on his face turn 1. They're also easy to paint and transport!

Funny you should mention all that. "Regular dreads" were narrowly beat out by Tycho simply b/c a regular dread would at least do something worthwhile while I think Tycho would just die ignominiously.


...and I also debated putting Drop Pods in the MUST HAVE top 3 for the exact reasons you stated. If there's one place I wish I had put my money for models earlier it would be Drop Pods, but I think it's scary for a new player to buy three of anything that isn't obviously powerful until you see them in action. In the end I picked ASM over DP because they are a combat unit with so many uses while the DP is more of a unit that modifies others. Modified it in incredible ways, yes, but at the end of the day ASM will win you more games regardless of their delivery system.

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...and as for Lemartes, I don't care what anyone says. I use him and love him. Is he the most practical or efficient? Heck no. But man is he so wh40k it hurts. Just having that angry, angry model on the board as part of your army boosts your morale. Throw in an Eversor Assassin and your army automatically wins do to the victory condition "most wh40k army ever".
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I disagree about the Baal predator. I've had success running my AC/HB Baal Predator. I've also seen a FL/HF Baal Predator wreck face. You have to know in which situations they shine and how to best use them.


Given our new codex any predator can become a Baal predator, just buy the faster engine. I run a TL LC/HB predator that just kills stuff silly crazy.

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I wouldn't discount Techmarines too much, there's a fun tactic where you put him and a squad of scouts in a Storm Raven, all from an Allied Detatchment of BA for Objective Secured.


This way your Raven is very resistant to damage and you can disembark them late in the game to grab/ contest an objective.


Somewhat pricey but I've heard it's effective.

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I would disagree with the assault marines soley because you can make fancy assault marines with the dc box. (If you are talking about which boxes to get if not carry on)

You are right in about that from a model perspective. But from an army list perspective I have to say ASM are in there

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Honestly, I have no problem if players want to use the "Don't Bother" level models; it's not all about competition of course. I for one love the new Lemartes model (especially compared to the old one) and I think Tycho has awesome backstory. For Indefragable's topic, though, I felt it was best to stick to pure tabletop performance.

That said, I was somewhat on the fence about putting the Baal on the list. I personally LOVE Baal Predators (first tank I ever bought for WH40k, over a decade ago) and I hate to see what was done to them in the current codex compared to the previous one. IMO, GW tried too hard to streamline a lot of stuff in the current BA codex, and the Baal is a prime example of that. In terms of raw tabletop performance, the standard Pred with some form of Lascannon (turret or sponsons) is simply stronger AND more cost-effective, especially once you put OCE on it. Trust me, that makes me VERY sad. dry.png

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