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Death Company Spam


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I would like to know if this could work. I love the idea of a couple techmarines looking for new resources on a dead planet. Found a bunch of death company that were left by a disrespecting successor chapter. They informed Dante of this who found immediate use for the death company on a distant battle field.


This is the list I am going to try out to represent this once I get more Death Company.


Baal Strike force


2 techmarines with jump packs 100pts


4 x 5 Close combat scout squads with 2 melta bombs 230


Furioso with frag cannon, heavy flamer, drop pod with deathwinf launcher, blood talons, magna grapples. 190

7 x 5 Death Company with 1 powerfist in each and all with bolters and jump packs. 980


Total Points 1500


I envision the furioso drop podding somewhere where the templates can do the most damage.

Hopefully the furioso is focused.

The scouts infiltrate as close as possible and scout move up.

Hopefully between the scouts and the furioso the Death Company can move up a turn unload bolters then second turn do some rapid fire charging goodness.

I understand that this list has no long range AV or anything to do against flyers but I would like to know how ya'll think this list would fare against all comers.

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My experience has been that DC work best in units greater than 5. Ideally 10s, but 7-8 can do.


DC WILL take casualties and so you need to plan out if you want x # of Attacks on the Charge, you need y number of DC bodies to survive the Charge.


For example, one of Raphen's DC (5 man unit) died to Tau (yes, Tau!) in CQC simply because only 2 Survived to Charge (and one having a PF so he went last).


Also, but not to thump my chest or steal your thunder but check the Army list page for "Death Star Inc"...my version of the "all DC" list variant:




EDIT: added link.

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