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How should I build my Furioso Dreadnoughts? (and list help)


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Just joined this forum. I used to play 40k well back in the early 90ies and have just started once again but with very little knowledge of the current ruleset. 


Anyways. I have built and painted one Furioso (with frag, grapple and flamer). I do have two more kits though and was wondering what to do with them. A fun choice would be to build one of each. A Librarian and a DC/Cassor, but are there smarter choices out there? 


Appart from this, I have started painting 10 DC (with no back/jump packs added yet) and I also own 8 Sanguinary guards and a Sang. Priest and a Chaplain (doesnt need to use it though). Just to give some extra background...


My end goal is to reach 1850p painted within a year. 


So how should I kit out these dreads? What would be good additions to what I already own, even up to allied suggestions (like skitarii). 



Thanks in advance! 



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A librarian dread and another frag cannon dread probably. The death comp dread suffers from only av12 so is vulnerable to basic krak grenades which a furioso ignores due to av13. Frag cannon dreads out of drop pods are troop killers and will absolutely murder light infantry like orks, guard, eldar of either kind and tau.
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I agree

Once a dread is in combat, its mission killed.

A DC dread is pretty survivable in combat, but it just cant kill a unit quickly enough to keep going.

A FragFlameFury should be able to avoid combat through the expedient of killing everything.


I use mine as a troll

Drop pod it next to something like a dev squad and template them.

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With the changes to shooting in 7th, you fire different  weapon types in sequence. This means that by the time the Frag cannon has fired, there will often be little left for the heavy flamer. For this reason, I like the frag cannon and melta gun. Against more armoured troops (the only kind likely to have survivors from the frag cannon), it can help punch through the 3+/2+ saves. It also makes the Fragioso pretty decent against vehicles as you get a melta shot plus 2 automatic S6 rending hits.

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Thank you guys!


So 2 Fragiosos then, one with melta and one with flamer, plus 1 Libby dread.


Should I put all three in drop pods? I might get a storm raven as well, if so what unit would do best in team with either the Libby or Fragioso?


I intend to play quite fast and aggressive.

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I flame first, then Frag


If the flame rolls very well and kills most of the squad, the Frag and can still hit the lone survivor twice.


Not saying the melta is a wrong choice, it just doesnt fit my way of playing.



I run Ravens empty

A fully loaded Raven can easily be 600pts, and if they doesnt show up till turn 4, you are in a world of pain

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I run Ravens empty

A fully loaded Raven can easily be 600pts, and if they doesnt show up till turn 4, you are in a world of pain



Stormravens are AMAZING anti-flyer, anti-tank and anti-elite killers and as its a flyer it is very hard to kill without dedicated attention.


Its ability to transport stuff is a great addition, but dont think a Stormraven is only worth taking to transport stuff..

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Its ability to transport stuff is a great addition, but dont think a Stormraven is only worth taking to transport stuff.


True enough but as it has the capacity to transport stuff, it can be worth taking. If your opponent has no aircraft of his own to take, you can always drop into hover to dispatch the cargo. Being an assault vehicle makes it pretty much the only way to deploy a Dread where your opponent will not get to shoot at it for a turn before it charges. Useful for the killy but more likely armoured DC Dread.


If you take CC Scouts and a Dread with Magna Grapples, both units have Move Through Cover. This means that if you need to remain zooming, they can disembark safely using Skies of Fury and not worry about dangerous terrain tests. I feel this setup gives the best of all worlds.

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