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[WIP]Need help for painting guards


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Hello everybody ! I'm a beginner in painting and i need some help.... :(


So i have an imperial guard army, but i'm not a real good painter :( So if you want, and if you can help me, it would be great ! :) I have an idea, that i post pictures of my work, and you tell me what i must do after, because i don't know really how to do for being a good painter :'( I try to find new technics but i'm lost and i don't know what i must do :/


20150426 141401

20150426 141343

20150426 141331

So i funush the basecoat of my model, i have used celestra grey, mechanicus standard grey, mephiston red, ironbreaker, cadian fleshtone and abaddon black.


I have administratum grey, utlthuan grey, eshin grey, nuln oil and athonian camoshade..


Thanks you for watching ;)




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applying nuln oil to the recesses of all the grey bits as well as the metal bits will help add to the depth of the model really quickly. Also id recommend doing the same with reikland flesh shade (spelling?) on the face and hands. this will create shadows which go a long way to adding realism to the model. You could also try some highlights. The obvious place for this would be on the black bits, try using one of the darker greys to pick out the highlights on the helmet and armor. that will be a good, basic way to start.

The first thing you can do to help us out, is to take some better pictures for us. There's Kierdale's awesome "taking decent pictures with a phone" tutorial, or you can look on the net for Photoshop CS2, as Adobe has made it Freeware and it's 100% free.


I second jumping onto Warhammer TV, GW's Youtube channel, and watching their painting tutorial, there's even one for Cadians. They're chock-full of useful hints and tips. I also recommend picking up a few more Washes and Shades. The difference between a Wash and a Shade is that a Wash will pool in recesses and provide "shadows" in folds and creases, while a Shade is used to alter the entirety of a colour.


I would wash your Guardsman's Celestra Grey Coat in Seraphim Sepia, and reapply Celestra to the raised folds. I'd also wash the Mech Std pants with Nuln Oil and then reapply the Mech Std onto the raised folds.  Washes typically take longer to dry, and you will need 20-30 minutes for them to dry before apply the normal colours over them otherwise you wont get an even colour. You can also use Seraphim Sepia to shade the flesh on the model as well.




Thanks you for your answers ! :)


So if i understand, i must use Nuln oil on the grey and seraphin sepia on flesh, i use athonian camoshade on my other models and it's look good for the flesh..


I'm sorry if my english isn't good, but i'm a french people so excuse me x)


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