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True Scale Grey Knights - Aug. 09 - Finished stuff!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally finished building my Centurion to Dreadnought conversion:

Weapons - Dual lascannon and old-school missile launcher:
The thing has a lot of of Rogue Trader Era dreadnought DNA in it, as I unironically LOVED those things when they came out. I can objectively see they look goofy now, but man.. what can you do?
Upper body is attached by a magnet and comes off for painting.
Waist is obviously hugely inspired by this the Graven Games Cain conversion
Pistons are from Zinge.
It doesn't look quite as sharp as I wanted it, but I'm calling it done as it's part of an ETL vow I finally got ready for painting:

that dread is amazing, i always felt like that oldschool design had some merit to it, but needing a remake very badly, its like some sort of proto-contemptor...

I do have one little thing though, i feel liek the head could be a little more incorporated into the bulky torso, like by adding a bevor over the neck connection or something simple like that, i think its the "slopey-in-part" under the chin that looks a tiny bit off, and a bevor covering that should solve it (not to mention its a classic GK visual thing)

Thanks guys :) I'm not sure about extra arms, I think I'll just buy some TL autocannons for it if it by some miracle performs good in game and I want to mix it up a bit :)


that dread is amazing, i always felt like that oldschool design had some merit to it, but needing a remake very badly, its like some sort of proto-contemptor...

I do have one little thing though, i feel liek the head could be a little more incorporated into the bulky torso, like by adding a bevor over the neck connection or something simple like that, i think its the "slopey-in-part" under the chin that looks a tiny bit off, and a bevor covering that should solve it (not to mention its a classic GK visual thing)


You are right, and that's a very good idea. It'll also tie it into the whole MK VIII thing as you mention.

  • 4 weeks later...
I've finally finished some stuff:


Grey Knight Terminator squad (3D printed backpacks and guns):






Dreadknight (15mm Leviathan):



Dread converted from centurion:





Everything is a bit rough, as I had a the ETL deadline and had to paint it all with nothing but the gloomy Danish summer as a light source. I'll probably go back over them once I get our new workshop set up. The greenstuff work also don't looks as smooth as I had hoped, but I learned a lot, and I think it'll be better next time.

love the sculpt work you did with the dreadknight and dreadnought.  really nice and clean from the pictures.

if you don't mind, how did you do the lettering?  stamps or straight sculpt into the green?  and the lighter greenstuff work, did you blend white/grey stuff with green or just get a different mix of straight green?  ive been messing around with epoxy blends for different properties, so that lighter green might be interesting to work with too...

Thanks. The lettering is done following this tutorial: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/507091.page It's actually not as hard as it looks, the trick is to block in the letters as shown. Magnifying glasses help with the smaller text too.


I'm also experimenting with putty mixing. Most of the stuff here is 50:50 green stuff to magicsculp. I find that better for hard surface modelling. If it needs to be more sticky, I add more greenstuff. 

thanks for that.  haven't had a chance to work with magicsculp.  might have to give it a try.  I normally work with combinations of green and white stuff, sometimes brown if I have some available, though that's getting harder to find locally.

God... I have no words for what i see O_O This is... amazing! Especially your design work on thoses 3D parts, sir finish quickly this inquisition dogs, you must doing a Chaos army tongue.png So it will be not for now but, can i make a chaos version of your dread? laugh.png

Thanks :) I'm an old Chaos guy at heart, but GK just seemed better for this project. I'd love to se a Chaos verision of the dread, I'm wondering what to do with the two other Centurions myself. One Dread in a GK army is dumb enough, 3 would be suicide :D

Thanks smile.png I'm an old Chaos guy at heart, but GK just seemed better for this project. I'd love to se a Chaos verision of the dread, I'm wondering what to do with the two other Centurions myself. One Dread in a GK army is dumb enough, 3 would be suicide biggrin.png

Thanks! This is the next things on my to do list for september :D Well, maybe use one of the two centurion left for a truescale grandmaster? :) ( Totally agree about the dreadnought case... If they won't suck that much il will convert a tons of them x) )

  • 2 months later...


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