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Daemonkin Blood Host questions.

Trevak Dal

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How can I get Landraiders in a Daemonhost army using the Bloodhost/Decurion style thing?


Do I really have to take terminators and bloodcrushers to get them, or is it likely that it's just an omission from the Warengines list?


Because my army would look like this:


Daemonkin Primary Detachment/Blood Host Decurion thing



HQ:  Daemon Prince wings and armor


8 Khorne Berserkers


8 Khorne Berserkers


8 Khorne Berserkers


5 Possessed



The Raptor One

5x Raptors 2 meltas, champ with power axe + meltabombs

5x Raptors 2x meltas, champ with powerfist

5x Raptors, 2x flamers champ with Lightning claw

5x Raptors, 2x Flamers champ with 2x Plasma Pistols

5x Warp Talons



3x Landraiders, 2x Maulerfiends.





10 Cultists


2 Obliterators

I Really don't want to take terminators with this army-I could skink it by in the allies list by taking 3 terminators and a Landraider Dedicated transport, with a Landraider in the heavy slot-but every single other Heavy support option from KDK is in the Warengine slot-and it makes sense (Kind of like taking Khârn...in whose description says "No other warrior in all the Galaxy is as devoted to the Blood God's creed as Khârn the Betrayer")


Much like how Farsight Enclaves gave me the option to play my Stealth Suits and riptides (yes, I could take those in Tau Empire, but it would mean less Crisis suits, and NO THANKS to that.), this is going to give me the ability to have a Daemon Prince and Berserkers outside of my Unbound MSU Zerker and spawn spam army (Damn shame about Butcherhorde, if I didn't have to include CSMs in it, I'd run it ALL THE TIME)

Similarly, I LOVE Raptors.  I got 5 Warp Talons I made using Loyalist Jump packs, and the Dancing Legs from the Beserker kit (and the excess lightning claws of course).  I also only have like, 5 Possessed, so it works out and I don't have to buy anymore, and it's all the armor and leg pieces that weren't good enough for HQ parts.

I could go regular CAD easily enough, but I don't think I could take the Gorestorm thing (Basically I just want a :cusston of Raptors to back up my Prince-I've never Flown them...I always run him behind the Landraiders and Maulerfiends and then hop out-it works pretty good) and the Bloodhost perks are pretty good-having the potential for + 1 attack AND FNP is nice.

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Yup, Land Raider in a Blood Host requires the Brazen Onslaught, so your best bet will be to drop the Obliterators, add another 10 Cultists and take Khârn in a CAD.



Don't forget you could also consider taking a standard CAD and adding on the Gorestorm. You'll lose your Slaughtercult and Blood Host benefits but then your force feels less contrived.

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I don't particularly like cultists, though they are a necessary evil to get Khârn-and now two landraiders into my army and have the perks I want, I don't care about winning or holding objectives, I just want to mess stuff up in combat.

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