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BA transports: something odd


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I happened to notice that the rhino, razorback, and drop pod are in the FA section in the BA 'dex.  They've got the little lightning bolt symbol and everything.  It's a bit confusing.  Does this mean that they can be purchased as non-dedicated transports if so desired, using FA slots (awesome!)?  Does it mean that when purchased as dedicated transports they take up an FA slot as well?  Does it mean transports purchased with a squad are not considered dedicated?  Is it an error?  Something else?


If someone can provide an official answer, I'd love to hear it.  Failing that, how is it generally interpreted?


My immediate thought, if they're actually able to be purchased using FA slots, is that one could purchase fewer transports and decide which squads to put in them based on what the opponent list looks like.  Then there's all sorts of crazy podding shenanigans are possible with BA + allies, such as 14 pt meltacide acolytes from friendly inquisitors, etc.  Or the ability to share fast transports with allies.

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A Rhino/Razorback/Drop Pod can be purchased as a single FA choice. Alternatively and where specified, they may be taken as a Dedicated Transport. Dedicated Transports have no slot as they are purchased for the unit.


Similarly, a Land Raider variant is a single HS choice. Alternatively, these may be taken as a Dedicated Transport for either flavour of Terminators and when done so, they take up no slot.

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Yes, you can purchase non dedicated transports as fast attack choices. This is very popular with allies and drop pods, as battle brothers can start the game on board a non dedicated battle brother transport :)


Dedicated transports as always don't take up any slots, just a part of the unit that takes them (e.g. Tac squad and Rhino are still a single troops choice).

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They can be purchased by themselves as a Fast Attack choice. If you buy them as a Dedicated Transport, then they fill the slot of the unit you bought them for. This means that if you buy a Tactical Squad a Rhino, it becomes a Troops choice and if you're using a CAD it'll get Objective Secured. Still doesn't take up a slot if bought as a Dedicated Transport.



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