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How to use Commander Dante


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I am looking for feedback, advice, and experience regarding the using Dante in a 7th Edition BA army. I find suprisingly difficult to just "throw" him into a list...he is such an interesting character with unique rules and abilities (for a BA/SM) that getting the most out of him is harder than it looks. Every time I add him to a list, I end up reworking so many other parts (more jump packs and skimmers!) that the final product bears little resemblance to the way it started. I feel more and more than a list should be built around Dante in order to get the most out of his inclusion. So I ask of you this simple yet loaded question:


What is the "best way" to use Commander Dante?



Suggestions on what unit to attach him to or what specific elements and army should use for best synergy will be much appreciated.

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This is what I keep coming up with on my own, though I feel it is definitely not the most synergistic list:


Baal Strike Force 1844pts


HQ x2

Troops x2

Elites x3

Fast Attack x3

LoW x1




Sanguinary Priest

--Bolt Pistol

--Jump Pack

--Honor's Edge (AP2 sword)

Sanguinary Guard x6

--Death Mask x6

--Chapter Banner

--Inferno Pistol x2

--Power Fist x2

--Encarmine Sword x4


Tactical Marines x10


--Heavy Flamer

--Power Fist

Drop Pod

--Locator Beacon


Scouts x5

--Camo Cloak x5

--Sniper Rifle x4

--Heavy Bolter

--Hellfire Shells



Death Company x10

--Jump Pack x10

--1x Power Fist

--1x Thunder Hammer


Furioso Dreadnought

--Frag Cannon

--Melta gun

--Drop Pod


Assault Marine x5

--Melta gun x2


Drop Pod

--Locator Beacon


Assault Marine x6

--Jump Packs x6

--Melta gun x2



Land Speeder

--Multi Melta

--Heavy Flamer

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Descent of Angels benefits Deep Striking but you probably don't want your prime assault units DSing as they cannot assault straight away. One option is to use the improved Deep Strike to put inferno pistols close to their targets. Land Speeders with Heavy flamers benefit as well.


The Storm Raven benefits too so consider including one of these and using it to transport some cheap units into the fray. I would add some CC Scouts and Cassor the Damned as that meets your mandatory Troop tax.


Next I would look at what squad you will be joining. Sanguinary Guard already have plenty of low AP attacks, I feel that the best use of Dante is sticking him with some Death  Company. He can give them hit and run to make the most of their charge bonuses for a really brutal CC unit.

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I've actually recently run Dante, 6 guard with 2 inferno, one Power fist and banner, and Priest with edge/(and veritas if I want him to be warlord).


I don't deepstrike them ever anymore. It's happened too many times where my heavy unit sits 2 full turns out because my dice hate me, even with descent of Angels from Dante. So I deploy them now.

They are extremly hardy, the increased WS plus 2+, FNP, +1 Init on charge, and such great movement that they usually see combat. I personally don't pay the points for death masks as Dante has a better one.

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In another thread there was talk of using him in a command squad with x3 storm shield/meltagun. It may not be the hardest hitting melee squad but the idea is Dante can take small arms fire and the ss vets are there for 'Look out, sir!'s and you have great mobility and a flexible support squad. I've also been putting a DC squad together with a few p.lance/b.pistol brothers.

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I do six guard with 3 axes, 3 swords, 2 infernus, a priest, and Dante. I'd like to add the banner. For me, this is a very expensive unit, but I do really like his AP2 at initiative attacks. Nearby there's usually a squad or two of death company, and a ML 2 Psyker. In this way I try to support dante in as many ways as possible. And though possibly ill-advised, I do separate characters from the guard unit to grab objectives when the time comes. 


I've really gotten away from deep striking jump pack units. I still do it when there's no clear way up the table and there are opportunities to get behind the enemy, but it's usually my backup plan. I have used the veritas vitae on the priest or psyker before too--it's just a really good relic. So, I have to admit I do waste his warlord trait, except for my stormraven(s). But that extra tactical trait is really attractive, and it's really nice not giving up an easy 'slay the warlord' point. 

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I have been running Dante with Vanguard.  I like the ability to give Vanguard storm shields to protect against AP 2 weapons, which became a huge issue when I was runnign him with Sanguinary Guard.


I do like Descent of Angels, but basically use it to make sure my Storm Ravens pass their reserve rolls and to get small assault squads where I want them.  I do not reserve my assault units, because of no assault out of deepstrike. 

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Thanks for all the suggestions.


Besides the Fluffiness of it, i always thought Sanguinary Guard made the most sense to surround Dante with. However, I have recently started to see the merit of a Command Squad w/ 3x SS or Vanguard Vets w/ SS due to the protection against AP2. The flip side is that if you bud your list right, there should be enough distraction to keep attention away from the Dante-Star but then again that reasoning could be used for every list.


What about using both Dante and Mephiston?

In my mind I think the Dante-Sang Priest-Sang Guard combo and Mephy in a Command Squad Drop Pod w/ 3x SS. The problem is rounding out the rest of the list, especially if I want to get some Death Company in there as well.


So far the consensus seems to be that Descent of Angels is not really worth it...

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I Run him has a beatstick within a beatstick unit.

At 1500 I'm running two scout squads, one cheap and punch to infiltrate and be a thorn, the other with cloaks sniper rifles and a hellfire bolter to base sit and harass at range.

3 assault squads in pods, 2x4 melta shots, 1x4 flamer shots

7 sanguinary guard with 5 swords, two axes and a banner

10 JP death Co. With a sword and two fists.

A priest with vv and a Lv 2 Libby with staff, both with JP. Lib rolling on div looking for invun and making use of presience, if I'm not facing ap2 or high str shooting I might go for Ba powers instead to buff Dante.

I look for two strategic traits preferable move through cover and night fighting/vision to buff the pods effectiveness and the Jp squads survivability and speed.


The pods are distraction taking out key armour or units, 8 melta is also a good answer to special characters or MCs. If they have non fearless troops 4 flamer templates are a good war to clear a unit and get first blood.

The scouts are usually underestimated, snipers and the hellfire bolter strip infantry and can target special weapons while the jumpers move up. The cc scouts do good work on the charge and can pressure weak troops or sting something moving up the table.

If I'm facing AP2 shooting or a lot of str8 and 9 shooting I may throw the lib in with the guard to prolong them if he has an invun power. otherwise they roll as two advancing waves of death, guard generally going for the harder stuff with their ws5 i5 st5 on the charges with Dante tanking for them, DC with presience or other powers situationally to eat the slightly softer units or flood stuff with weight of attacks.

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Much like the guys in Halo use Master Chief. Point him at a trouble spot, leave a bit of garbage lying around, come back in a day just in time for the victory celebtration :D


Beware though, I would never use him as a tank. His 2+ and EW is a bit deceptive, seeing as he is only T4 and has only a 4+ invulnerable save. He should be used offensively and as a pure beatstick. Something you can even charge him solo into a unit and he will come out on top. This is a solid way to prevent overkill and take out more units. If the combat ends too early and Dante is alone during the enemy shooting phase, it isn't as bad either. The enemy focuses him, they just wanted a bunch of dakka on a single model as opposed to your other units.

I wouldn't deep strike him. He wants to get stuck in ASAP.

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So Dante + Sang Priest + Sang Guard is overkill for most situations, but is good for Warlord targeting or going up against an enemy's Death-star type unit.


Otherwise run him solo against line troops or with Vanguard Vets w/ SS for max survivability against D weapons, Knights, etc...


Has anyone had succes using both Dante and Mephiston in the same list? What units do you put each in?

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