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Greetings from the True, Beating Heart of the Universe


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That would be Paris, by the way. 

I kid. 

No, seriously, bloody fantastic city - the bread alone is to die for. 

Anyways, I'm a lapsed 40k player, started about mid-way through 5th, though I remember browsing through the rulebooks in my childhood (might have been 2nd or early 3rd edition? I honestly don't know) and have been invested in the universe long before I ever played the tabletop game: Dawn of War really got me into it, and I still play the Ultimate Apocalypse mod for it to this day. 

I haven't been playing, this being my final semester of my undergraduate, since the fall - a combination of frustrations with 7th edition, a little too much power-gaming in my local group and rather intensive schoolwork and just regular work, but recently even the more belligerent members of my club have recognized that all is not well in the universe and are looking to start 30k in a fairly big way. 

So, where better to go to bounce ideas off of, draw inspiration from and so on than what is probably friendliest, if my lurking is anything to go by, 30k online community, with room still for 40k when I feel so inclined. 

For posterity, I play Death Korps of Krieg Assault Brigade(what can I say, I enjoy losing), and Minotaurs SM (I bought IA12 for the Korps, but may as well get the whole use out of it, no?). I started with buck-standard Cadians, and while I sold the infantry I still have a tank pool of 11 Leman Russes and a Baneblade, and have a small Blood Ravens force for nostalgia purposes, starting with DoW and all. 

Overall, arch-Imperial, though I did dabble briefly with Tau in 6th, but found them too powerful for my liking. Under the guiding light of Holy Terra I belong. 

Now I just need to figure out what 30k force I am actually going to play - I've been caught in an indecisive loop for months now. 

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i beg to differ. I think you will find that Wales, land of hills rain and sheep is actually the centre of the known universe... msn-wink.gif

In regard to choosing an army, try building some models and see what grabs you. Worked for me :)

ANd welcome to the forums! :D

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Hail and welcome, brother. I see you have (wisely) chosen to fight for the Throne. Good man. I like the thought of having a company of tanks just simply lying around, waiting for action. I am into tanks, mind you. Anyhoo, welcome aboard and enjoy your stay. :tu:

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