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Khorne Terminators in a Spartan


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Khorne Terminators in a Spartan - 8 of them ofc - how best to load them out?


They will be usually rolling with a choice from Abaddon, Zhufor, Khârn or other suitable choppy Termie Lord, and will be used with standard 'dex,  Black Legion and Daemonkin (via CSM CAD for Spartan access). Yes, I know its expensive :D


I was thinking 3 combi-melta (two with a chainfist each), 2 dudes with double lightening claw, 1 combi-bolter axe, 2 combi-bolter sword, banner of Wrath. Kind of jack of all trades really.


I did also think of using mostly twin claws too with a couple of chainfist/combi-melta, also with banner.


I don't want to magnetize them for once.


What do we think Chaos Lords?

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In terms of a delivery method, the Spartan is pretty superb all told.


I think weapons thereafter are preferential depending on what you want to use them for: thickest fighting, I should think - but it's also got to be geared to your meta (and obviously, rule of cool too).

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That is one thing I always do with special weapons, I do keep them the same. I haven't used Terminators yet but I would do the same with them.


The Daemonkin Sgt boon is also a good one for sure, I hadn't noticed that. They can't seem to take fist/claw though? At least not in KDK which is the only one I have in front of me at the minute, and that would rule it out due to me wanting to use them across a few books. 


In terms of a delivery method, the Spartan is pretty superb all told.


I think weapons thereafter are preferential depending on what you want to use them for: thickest fighting, I should think - but it's also got to be geared to your meta (and obviously, rule of cool too).

I am looking forward to the Spartan - I was going to use lots of Berzerkers but I had these FW Terminator torso lying around and Abaddon needed a bodyguard, so......


As for meta, we do have a varied one with most armies here which makes it fun but can be difficult for list building, it is kind of take all comers or go gimmicky. Superheavies are starting to show up a lot more too.

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One little helpful thing about the Daemonkin terminators is that the champ can take the weapon upgrades at the same price as the regular terminators.


It was my understanding that they had the Terminator Character upgrades like Vanilla CSMs (Models in Terminator armor may replace X with Q, etc.)

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One little helpful thing about the Daemonkin terminators is that the champ can take the weapon upgrades at the same price as the regular terminators.

It was my understanding that they had the Terminator Character upgrades like Vanilla CSMs (Models in Terminator armor may replace X with Q, etc.)
The vanilla CSM terminator champs have to get upgrades from the terminator weapons section of the wargear list which ranges from a few extra points for combi meltas and single melee weapons to a power sword price tag added in for dual claws.


It's annoying, but on the plus side you could go fisticlaw on the champ for more than half the price of the model. Wait that's not good either

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One little helpful thing about the Daemonkin terminators is that the champ can take the weapon upgrades at the same price as the regular terminators.

It was my understanding that they had the Terminator Character upgrades like Vanilla CSMs (Models in Terminator armor may replace X with Q, etc.)
The vanilla CSM terminator champs have to get upgrades from the terminator weapons section of the wargear list which ranges from a few extra points for combi meltas and single melee weapons to a power sword price tag added in for dual claws.


It's annoying, but on the plus side you could go fisticlaw on the champ for more than half the price of the model. Wait that's not good either



Yes, that's what I'm saying Daemonkin do too.

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One little helpful thing about the Daemonkin terminators is that the champ can take the weapon upgrades at the same price as the regular terminators.


Sucks that he can't take an Axe of Khorne though. I'd hope it will get faq'd, but probably not. Though it is nice he has the squad weapon discount, problem for me is that I modeled one of mine with a PF/LC >_<

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Fist/claw would be my choice I think for the champ but I want to use Daemonkin too so that's out.


Khorne axe would be great but I can't see it, despite the other champions having access....!


Think I will probably go axe or fist on the champ.

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A Lord option that I'm taking is this: Terminator Armor, Axe of Khorne, PF, Collar of Khorne, Skull Helm. That's 187pts. I generally play against lists that take at least one Psyker, so that's why that's in there. Since I don't have 2 squads of Bloodcrushers I'm going to have to go CAD to use any of my Terminators, but the Squad I'm putting him in will have a naked Land Raider, 2 Combi-Plasmas & PFs, and 2 Dual Lightning Claws. All together that's 593pts, it's a pretty good all-comers Lord + retinue and gives you a Land Raider for anti-tank.


But yeah, I'd say 2 PFs (including one on your Lord w/ an Axe, if you like that option), 2 Power Axes or Mauls, 4 Combi-Meltas/Plasmas, 3 Lightning Claw Pairs, and add in a IoW and that's 354pts, plus a Spartan with Frag Assault Launchers, Armored Ceramite and Dirge Casters comes out to be 654pts + your Lord. It is expensive but with 8 Termies + your Termie Lord and the Spartan, you're getting about twice the firepower. So they'd be an effective squad!

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I think for circa 150pts more, the larger squad in Spartan is well worth it. It is already an expensive squad, but extra wounds, much more resilient ride (with Frags and melta immunity) makes it a no brainer. Plus awesome modelling opportunities are great. I think squad set up will be similar to the one you posted, just got to decide on melta or plasma.


As for the Lord, when not using a special character, it will be AoBF Lord in Termie armor from the main book as I will have to go allies as Daemonkin don't have access to the Spartan as yet.

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