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What colors should I paint my warband?


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Its up to you mate. Personally i like to play chaos undivided and mix all the gods in too so i wanted something which would be easy to paint and will hopefully look good so ive gone orange and black with gokd trim. Ive then on one of the shoulder pads attempted to free hand a devils head as my warband/chapters symbol
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I would recommend reading up on various warbands' fluff and picking based on that if you don't have a solid DIY idea. Generally I think people get hooked on the fluff and "feel" of a faction moreso than just the color scheme, though the color scheme helps! On color scheme alone though, I think that non-Nurgle green Chaos Marines can look really nice, I saw some once that were deep green with bone trim, and thought they were really original and cool looking, as red and black is really overdone--says the guy playing red and black Chaos Marines biggrin.png

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I would recommend reading up on various warbands' fluff and picking based on that if you don't have a solid DIY idea. Generally I think people get hooked on the fluff and "feel" of a faction moreso than just the color scheme, though the color scheme helps! On color scheme alone though, I think that non-Nurgle green Chaos Marines can look really nice, I saw some once that were deep green with bone trim, and thought they were really original and cool looking, as red and black is really overdone--says the guy playing red and black Chaos Marines biggrin.png

Mine are technically red orange and black ive done their company symbol in red and their bases lol
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I'd say pick a scheme and fluff for a warband you like and go with it. That said, have you thought of reversing a colour scheme? With Iron Warriors, have a black body with silver shoulder pads; red Night Lords with blue trim; Alpha Legion in...an Alpha Legion scheme, etc etc. Just a thought, and you could do it with renegades too (ie fallen Imperial Fists etc).

I'd also say go Iron Warriors but them I could be biased on that one tongue.png

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What other armies do you play if any? What are those army's color schemes, and are you wanting to try something different?

I ended up painting the vast majority of my Chaos as Black Legion, ADB's book Talon of Horus sealed the deal (fluff wise) but I basically wanted a black army. My Tau are tan and Blue (imagine Farsight Enclave, but instead of Red it's blue. My belief that Tau blood is Blue is my reasoning-also because Blue is my favorite color, and P3 Exhile Blue is awesome and goes well with Greatcoat grey.)

My Tau are more 'realistic' military type force in that they aren't "Loud and Proud" going to be wearing bright Yellow and charging into the enemy-my pathfinders have cloaks with camo patterns on them, my Infantry is FAR more muted in color than the Elites choices (the Riptides are Brighter-but that's more of a Gamey mind censored.gif mechanic I use-I want you shooting at my Riptides, not my other crisis suits, Pihranas and tanks who are going to kill your army)

There were times with my Chaos I thought about going all World Eaters, Alpha Legion, Night Lords, Red Corsairs. I went with Black Legion because I wanted a black army, and because at the end of the day-I can use whatever rules are better at any given time, but GeeDub is going to have to take away bolters and rhinos from Chaos for it to be nullified.

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Thanks guys for the replies. I play space wolves (traditional)I have orks (black and green skin), Astra Militarum in khaki, Eldar (I stripped my old models but I'm thinking Saim Hann for the repaint) my son plays the Dark Angels.


So we've already got Grey/blue, black-ish, brown, red (potentially), and Dark Anges (green, bone, and black).


I like the black and gold scheme of the Black Legion so that's where I'm leaning now. Though fallen marines from other chapters is pretty cool idea. Maybe a white color like white scars?

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The Sons of Malice are black and white bisected. Look really great if painted well, and have some of the most original fluff of any Chaos faction as they are very very strongly implied to worship the little known 5th Chaos god Malal (who they refer to as "Malice") and so fight a religious war against other Chaos followers as well as a war or hate against the Imperium. Oh, and they are cannibals that fight in eerie silence.
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I mostly use Citadel paints, but have started branching out. Vallejo have pretty nice paints too, but often they have a bit less pigment in them than the citadel paints. Army Painter paints are also nice, though I'm not entirely sold on the bottles.


Ooooooh.... you meant the colour scheme? :p


Well, black can be fairly simply to do, just black spray, drybrush with grey and then a black wash, done. Then it's just details after that.


Personally I like a bit more colour on the table, but that's just me. :)

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Oh, and they are cannibals that fight in eerie silence.


I never understood how you can fight in "eerie silence" when using Boltguns and Power Armour.


I mean sure there are some "For the Emperor"/Death to the False Emperor" war crys here and there but besides the Noise Marines (obviously) only the Khorne Berzerkers are really known for their outward screaming.


I assume most of the Astartes squad internal communication is handled over the vox so the silence of the SoM in battle wouldn't be that suprising to outsiders to consider it creepy imho.

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Except that the background consistently shows that they always have an external vox running unless they are using internal coms. Even then, even Loyalists still feel the need to shout in battle.


And when you get factions like the Word Bearers who said to typically sing dirges and chant prayers in battles, and even groups like Plague Marines who make sounds of pain to acknowledge they got hit by say, a rocket launcher, something like a Rubric Marine which only(again, according to printed fluff) only produces the sounds of ots foot falls and bolter fire, a big giant statue moving with little is kind of creepy.


And then on top of all of this, you have to throw in the rarity of the Space Marines. Remember, Greenskins are common enough that everyone and their grox has heard about it. But with Chaos Space Marines appearing around so few areas and Loyalists only appearing on the rare occasion when throwing bodies at it can't fix the problem, the average Guardsman, is not going to be used how a Space Marine operates.


For example, let's look at the Sabbat Crusade. The Gaunt's Ghosts have been fighting since the death of the first Archon. In that time, they've fought Chaos Space Marines on two instances and Chaos Dreadnought on another. They've fought in the same battle as a Loyalist Space Marine on a total of three instances as well I believe, and IIRC, they have only fought physically alongside them on one instance and that was marked with the Space Marines completely distancing themselves during transit and then moving so far ahead in the battle that the Ghosts rarely saw how they actually fight, other than they left a lot of bodies in their wake.


So then if someone who is fighting an army of screaming cultists and laughing daemons, all of a sudden comes a massive giant who the only sounds are maybe the joints in his armor(if they can actually be heard during battle or the armor itself hasn't since mutated), yeah, it's be creepy.


Remember, Space Marines might be well known to us, to the Imperium at large, they're myths.

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Well for one thing, it means that when they declare their mandatory challenges they don't call out, they just point. You. Die now. Also, many Chaos factions scream warcries when attacking, either as a sign of devotion to their gods , or to terrify opposing forces. Apparently, Space Marine external vox can be so loud that it can essentially even be used as the "bang" in a flashbang grenade to stun and disorient, I remember a scene like this in the first Night Lords book when they were fighting on the Imperial battleship.


Also, the Sons of Malice, being cannibals recruited from a feral world and all, probably fight in a very brutal manner, tearing off limbs, hacking apart bodies etc., kind of like say, World Eaters, but they don't howl or scream with rage or joy, they just do it. Without uttering a sound. Of course that's just my interpretation, obviously they might be cannibals that fight in a traditional efficient Astartes manner, I just think that they are meant to be extremely brutal, just--silent.

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