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From the Fallen Forge..

Red Skullz

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Second batch of breachers. These are themed around the most favoured of the tech-cultists that get installed into a breacher.





“Once we were Gods, but what are we now? Wilfully ignorant savages and self-deluded fools, little more than helpless children scattered and lost in the cold dark. But I tell you, we have been Gods and we shall be Gods again.“— In Defence of the Future: A Logical Discourse, Author unknown




More pics https://bigbossredskullz.wordpress.com/2015/06/24/heretek/

A binary screech like the sound of thousands of nails on a chalkboard preceded a thunderclap that burst every eardrum and crushed every window in a vicinity of several hundred feet..




The followers of the Cult..from lowly skitarii to highborn knights prostrated themselves in sheer joy and adulation..


Ogdoad has arrived..

I really like that second set of breachers, I feel they get the vibe a lot better.


Buit they are blown away by your work on that tech priest. I can't wait to see him painted up.


Off I go to your blog to have a nose around and it to my own blogs reading list.

(un)Holy Requisitioner


Ogdoad didn’t even notice his faithful servants as they threw themselves against the enemy protecting him with their lives..his focus lay elsewhere..


More pics https://bigbossredskullz.wordpress.com/2015/07/03/unholy-requisitioner/


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