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Fear to Tread question

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You really don't have to read them in order after Flight of the Eisenstien (though I actually accidentally read Flight of the Eisenstien first and went back and read the earlier books and absolutely loved it in that order because I didn't know what was going on, or who was alive or dead).


As I recall most books are mostly an isolated storyline with small references to other books. To be fair there's probably some references as to what the blood angels are doing from time to time in the other books. I'm not sure it spoil it for you. I mean the blood angels codex is probably the biggest spoiler. 


I would just advise reading the ones about specific chapters together for a coherent story line (i.e. Dark Angels, in fallen angels and descent of angels, and read a thousand sons and prospero burns together). I am currently nearly finished with Betrayer, so I can't speak for books beyond me. 


Get excited. You've got some awesome reading coming up. Fear to Tread will add some depth to the Blood Angels for you.

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Reading them in order is helpful but not essential. There are threads that carry on from novel to novel. For example, Unremembered Empire picks up on threads from Fear to Tread, Mark of Calth, and Vulkan Lives. Reading it without reading the previous ones will mean it makes less sense.


However, Fear to Tread is the beginning of a Blood Angels thread and does not follow on from too much else. You can safely read it at any point after Eisenstein I think. While Fear To Tread feeds into later stories, I cannot think of anything that feeds significantly into it.

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