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1+ Armour Save during battle

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During a recent game, my Warlord acquired a 1+ armour save.


My warlord:


Mastery level 3

Terminator Armour

Combi-Plasma gun

Force Weapon

Spell Familiar

Sigil of Corruption

Scrolls of Magnus

Mark of Tzeentch


Termie gives him a 2+/5(i) save

The sigil changes it to a 2+/4(i) save

The Mark of Tzeentch makes it a 2+/3(i) save.


During the game, this Character won a challenge (killed his Grey Knights Dreadknight in the first round of combat). When I rolled on the boon table, I got this result;

Mechanism: Armour Save improves by 1


He had a couple destroyer weapons in reserve so he didn't complain too much.


Looking back on that game, I was wondering if I did that correctly.


Do the rules specifically state an armour save can't be improved past 2+?

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Armour Save (Sv)


A warrior’s Armour Save gives it a chance to avoid harm when it is struck or shot. Most models have an Armour Save based on what kind of armour they are wearing, so this characteristic may be improved if they are equipped with better armour. Other creatures may receive a natural save from having thick bony plates or a chitinous shell. Unlike other characteristics, the lower an Armour Save is, the better. A model can never have an Armour Save better than 2+.

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Always fail on a 1 anyway msn-wink.gif

Yeah, we play it as being a 2+ save on anything that isn't ap1.

Edit: Though we use it in a special scenario, a variation of relic where the relic is a individual in a life pod.

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Codex over rides rule book in this case imho the boon table dosent cap the armour save


Could you quote the part in C:CSM which explicitly states that you may ignore the cap?

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Codex over rides rule book in this case imho the boon table dosent cap the armour save

Could you quote the part in C:CSM which explicitly states that you may ignore the cap?

Not got the codex to hand but if my memory serves me correctly it just says the model gets +1 to its armour save. No cap mentioned

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Codex over rides rule book in this case imho the boon table dosent cap the armour save

Could you quote the part in C:CSM which explicitly states that you may ignore the cap?

Not got the codex to hand but if my memory serves me correctly it just says the model gets +1 to its armour save. No cap mentioned



Yes, however there is a cap in the rulebook. Unless the rule says 'this may improve the models armour beyond 2+' or the equivalent, then...it does not improve the models armour beyond 2+

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Codex over rides rule book in this case imho the boon table dosent cap the armour save

The cap which I quoted is directly from the rulebook. And even if a 1+ was possible, you automatically fail on a 1 anyway.

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Codex over rides rule book in this case imho the boon table dosent cap the armour save

The cap which I quoted is directly from the rulebook. And even if a 1+ was possible, you automatically fail on a 1 anyway.



And although certain powers would allow that die to be re-rolled - it's still a fail on a roll of a 1!

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Codex over rides rule book in this case imho the boon table dosent cap the armour save

The cap which I quoted is directly from the rulebook. And even if a 1+ was possible, you automatically fail on a 1 anyway.

And although certain powers would allow that die to be re-rolled - it's still a fail on a roll of a 1!

Which would still fail if the second roll is a 1 (nice try but doesn't change the answer to the question ;) )

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Codex over rides rule book in this case imho the boon table dosent cap the armour save

The cap which I quoted is directly from the rulebook. And even if a 1+ was possible, you automatically fail on a 1 anyway.

And although certain powers would allow that die to be re-rolled - it's still a fail on a roll of a 1!

Which would still fail if the second roll is a 1 (nice try but doesn't change the answer to the question ;) )

And you can't re-roll a re-roll! (Covering all bases :p )

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When it come to armour sv and chaos boon there is no where in the codex that say you can improve pass +2 or be able to save ap 2. The chaos boon would have no effect same as unworthy offering
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