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Cheers :)


I'm in the company of a building muse at the moment and have to stick with it until it disappears... otherwise I'll stall and the army won't get finished. When it goes, I'll hopefully get some paint on them :).


I think that berets will be the order of the day... they'll be a 'no heavy weapons' platoon with an extra squad or two of troops.


I have the entire second platoon on the table at the moment; with the three squads at a different phase of conversion... but it is little and often so they should be finished relatively quickly :)

I managed to get a look at the Codex Astra Militarum this week (what used to be the Imperial Guard) and discovered that the command squad troopers couldn't have bolt pistols... so I had to replace them with las pistols:




I have also updated the blog with much more information (including progress pic of the second platoon) so it may be worth a look:


Since I have had access to the Codex... I have been thinking far too much and not working nearly as hard so I thought I'd pen a few ideas to get me working again. I have decided to keep things relatively simple but add a few little extras for colour... here is what I have come up with (it saves me clogging up this thread with loads of text):



I was going to "Like" your WIP, but then I saw the heresy!  :furious:


Kidding, great conversion work!  I'm happy that Mantic isn't scared to make some iconic looking models for these kind of conversion projects.  Your sculpting work really is excellent stuff; you either have a lot of patience or a steady hand (maybe both?).  Any thoughts on how you'll model tanks?

I have plans for a massive project for the APCs and tanks.


My Squats are from a swampy planet and their tanks and APCs are going to be... hover/grav :)


And I plan to get them scratchbuilt and cast :)


But that will not happen in the short term. My focus is on the infantry :)



I have been busy getting the platoon up to a standard level... so now they all have a layer of putty on their arms, ready for the sculpting to begin:




... and for a change of pace, I have started work on a Gun Servitor for my Engineseer (this is the first of 2):




I still have lots to do but it's a start :)

The skinny WIP arms made me laugh and I kind of feel bad :P Excellent work though, your servitor would be at home amongst the AdMech! It's always nice to see GS in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing too :)

Cheers :) ... he's finished now:




I've started on the next one but I haven't got very far with it yet... theres info on Inso's World (amongst other things):



I've also began thinking about how I could include Psykers in the army without using Squats and I was given a good idea by a guy on Facebook... use beastmen. Obviously, I don't have any beast men because I don't collect fantasy... but I have some Tau plastics and some green stuff so I may end up putting together a few Primaris Psykers in the form of converted beastmen. I think it is really appropriate because they are another part of the Rogue Trader days that have been washed aside. Then of course... there are weirdvane psykers... but I'm not so sure I want any of those yet.


So many things to think about :) .

Thank you :)


I have nearly finished the second gun servitor and have started a new character... that will cause more heretical issues... a Beastman Primaris Psyker :)


...there may also be a hint of Jedi on him :o

So... today we have a complete Engineseer unit:




And I am currently working on a Beastman Primaris Psyker with a hint of Jedi about him. There is a small update on the blog too (a new magazine to read? Maybe):


Thank you :)


And even though he's not finished... here's the WIP Beastman:


The head obviously needs finishing... but then it's mostly detailing and tidying up the missed bits. He's going to get a holstered laspistol and his hooves will be in boots or will have spats on them. He'll also get the Tau powerpack on his back to power the refractor field. The head is going to be the classic goat style... if I can get it right :)

I know they have bits... but someone had to make those bits and if they hadn't gone through the process of converting/sculpting stuff and learning how it's done, there would be no bits :)


... and I have overspent on my hobby lately so I am sculpting (it's fun, don't you know? :) ).


Anyway... More progress (still WIP):

Horns and tidying things up now.
Cheers for that :D! I am sure it will get paint on at some point... when... who can say? :D


After a few comments I've received about things that could be better, I have updated the Beastman to have a bit of hair and a line down his top lip:




Hopefully, it looks a bit better :)

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