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Wargame Terrain Factory


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These boards somehow makes me hum the Halo franchise theme song :p


Looks good though

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scale is 1:warhammer is cool and fun.

where do you want to find right scale in 40K? high power space marine sniper rifle with 36" range? in my world it should be around 2-3km. heavy artillery firing in 72"? 40km or so in right scale. even space marines are to small in comparision to poor bloody infantry from astra militarum..  you know as good as i do its impossible to do something like that in scale, those ships have around 1,5km in lenght. it just wouldn fit in my livingroom:) i made it to look awesome, to be huge and still playable..

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I know that the proportions between certain models and the rules for weapon ranges are off, but I think a whole strike cruiser that fits on a 6' x 4' table is even more inappropriately sized. I'm pretty sure there are crafts between the size of a thunderhawk and a strike cruiser. Why not make (a wreck of) one of those, or just a small piece of wreckage from a strike cruiser? Space Hulk Strike Cruiser wreckage tiles would be really awesome.


I'm not trying to belittle your efforts, but naming such a small vessel a strike cruiser just rubs me the wrong way. The actual model looks great. I think there is room for vessels in size between the various attack craft and a frigate.

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