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Kal's ETL IW Log (Vow Update 5/8/2015- Dirty money thieves)


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Hey all! Here's my little progress thread for ETL. Wound up pulling an all nighter tonight and figured why not go ahead and get a head start on my vow tongue.png

I, Kaldoth, Warsmith of the 29th Grand Company of the Iron Warriors Legion, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete...

  • 1 Chaos Relic Sicaran Battle Tank with Heavy Bolter Sponsons (155 Pts)
  • 2 Ten Man Squads of Chaos Space Marines with Icons of Vengeance, Melta Bombs, and Two Plasma guns (400 Pts)
  • 1 Nine Man Squad of Chaos Space Marines with one Melta Gun and an Icon of Vengeance (162 Pts)
Mass WIP shot (Ignore the Rhinos pinch.gif If I can manage to get all of this done, they'll be a part of my next vow though!):


for a total value of 717 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Iron Warriors of the 29th Grand Company and destruction to all those foolish enough to to stand before our might. Failure will bring shame to our Company and doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Tonight I decided to work on the Sicaran. First time using the Leadbelcher spray, and overall I'm pretty impressed with it. It is a bit brighter than the actual leadbelcher paint, but I knew I was going to run Nuln Oil allllll over this thing as soon as I built it. I will definitely be going for a dark and gritty, well worn look by the end. Here's the progress so far:


I do have a few questions for the more experienced painters out there, if you'd be kind enough to give some advice!

1. This will be my first time painting an all metallic tank. I did up an IW test miniature just fine a few weeks ago, but highlighting and shading a marine is a lot different than this beast. I've already washed it, but I'm a little unsure of how to approach highlighting something with so many flat surfaces, let alone something metallic. Ive heard edging, drybrushing, or foregoing highlights all together can all come out nicely, but Ive got no first hand experience with any of those techniques on vehicles. Only marines. Any tips?

2. I'm having a bit of trouble deciding how I'm going to paint the two spiked plates in the front. I don't know if I want to leave the plates the base armor color and just paint the spikes, or if I want to do up some chevrons. Thoughts?

3. I know I want this thing to look like some gnarly, ancient, well worn battle tank. Problem is, Ive never done weathering beyond simple stippling with a sponge. Ive seen some really cool rust and dried dripping water effects I know I'd like to try my hand at. Any tips on weathering this thing?



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That's a lovely and reasonable lot of models to be painting. Any experience with using the Sicarion in games?

I haven't used it in a game yet, but I've theory-tested it.  If my beer induced calculations are correct, it should make a decent infantry mower and anti-flyer platform :P Got the gold filigree and rivets done a little while ago. I'm going to try and get started on the chevrons tonight. Will update soon!





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Here's the progress as promised. Its starting to look a bit more like an IV Legion tank now. Every single rivet has been painted. I absolutely despise painting rivets, not because its difficult or tedious, but because every time you think you're done and you put the brush down you find one more that you missed rolleyes.gif


Hoping to get the highlighting on the black and large gold areas done tonight and get started on the chevrons. Picked up a bottle of Blood for the Blood God to smear the sides with bloody chaos runes and some Sterlan Mud to muddy up the tracks. Progress, progress, progress biggrin.pngI'm still really unsure of what I want to do with those two spiked plates on the front, though confused.gif



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Chevrons are now the bane of my existance, especially over black paint. After a tedious four hours full of swearing and dropping a pot of Averland Sunset on my jeans, the chevrons are finally done.



Next is black highlights and lenses, followed by final detailing and weathering ^_^ Hopefully will be done by Monday!

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Managed to drink some bad milk yesterday, so I've been away from the painting table. Definitely put me behind schedule. I did manage to finish all of the lenses. I was going to do the highlights on the armor, but I wanted to do something fun and not so technical instead to break up the monotony. The IA Article on these vehicles says the following:

"The machine spirits inhabiting Chaos Sicaran Battle Tanks must be hateful things indeed, posessed of a darkly self aware anima forged in the crucible of betrayal and tempered by ten thousand years of service to the Ruinous Powers. Some hold that such spirits require constant supplication and appeasement, lest they turn upon their own crew or allies, and certainly the archives of the Inquisition include accounts and pict-captures of Sicaran Battle Tanks whose flanks gleam with dark arterial blood applied in ritual patterns that strike terror into the hearts of all who lay their eyes upon them."

This seemed like a perfect opportunity to test out the Blood for the Blood God technical paint, and I've got to say its pretty good! Some of the effect is lost in the photos, but it really does look like dried, glistening blood when its painted on happy.png




Still have to do the highlights on the black armor, the gold, paint up the heavy bolters and some skulls on the back, and then weathering. Oh, and glue the trophy racks back on that I managed to pop off rolleyes.gif I'd call it 50% done at this point. So much to do, but loads of fun with this kit!



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Agreed. It is looking very nice. The blood effects are an excellent detail but I'm more impressed by the yellow hazard stripes. That color is the bane of my existence and it looks awesome in the pics.
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Cheers guys happy.png Unfortunately I won't be getting any more painting done today it seems. If you're interested, I've got two different methods of painting yellow. One method (used above) came straight from our very own Insane Psychopath (with a couple of my own tweaks), so I can't take all the credit. Basecoat Averland Sunset, Layer Yriel Yellow highlight, final layer highlight of Flash Gitz Yellow. I had some trouble with the final two layers, though. For whatever reason, I kept getting tiny little "pools" of yellow wherever I brushed it on. I only used water to thin it, so I'd recommend trying some flow aid or glaze medium instead. After those three layers are down, thin down some Yriel Yellow to the consistency of a glaze and brush over all three layers to help blend. One or two coats should do it smile.png The other method (mainly for assembly line painting marines) is to spray a white basecoat, then brush P3 Yellow Ink over the models. Just make sure the basecoat of white is nice and even, else any inconsistencies will show through the ink. After that, wash the recesses with Agrax, go over any spots you didn't want the wash on with some Yriel, then highlight with Flash Gitz. Keep your paint thinned down to about milk, if not a little thinner. Should come out nice and smooth thumbsup.gif

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Great looking Sicaran Kaldoth. I like the idea of that star on the side, I might use that in the future. 

I also don't use chevrons for the reasons you've listed, which is why I don't bother on my Iron Warriors. 


Good luck with your ETL vow too. Iron Within, Iron Without. 

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Alright, got quite a bit knocked out on this thing today. Unfortunately, I snapped one of the cables off on a heavy bolter and lost it, so I had to cut the other one off dry.png I'll have to get some guitar string to fix it at some point. All I have left to do is weather the paint, which I have never even tried before rolleyes.gif Any tips? I've tried looking for tutorials, but there are surprisingly few on hazard stripes and silver paint confused.gif Anyone know of one? This will be my first weathering attempt period, but with all that mud on the tracks I can't not do something with the hull and turret.







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Model looking cool biggrin.png

What type weather are you looking for? Typhus Corrosion great for adding around the tank, check out Warhammer TV (Games Workshop youtube page) see what I mean


Actually used Typhus Corrosion a little already. It's more chipped paint and rust that I'm interested in. No access to weathering powder for rust either.

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For chip effect I use the medium dry brush to stipple say black paint on the strip on my own model, use foam (old blister pack, case) to do bit metal. Rust I paint it skrag brown, black wash, medium dry brush stipple wild rider red or the rust paint gw release and againuse foam with metal paint. Games workshop also got a video on use the rust paint along with typhus corrosion. Hope tha help
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Finally done! This was my first shot at weathering, and all and all I'm pretty pleased with it. I know as my skills develop I'll come back to this guy, but for now I'm content. Here's the final shots of this guy before I shelf him:









All in all, I have to say that this was one of my most adventurous projects. I tried a whole buttload of techniques I have never used before, and after an almost two year hobby hiatus, I've gotta say its definitely put that spark back into my hobby drive biggrin.png Up next, building a buttload of Chaos Marines. I ordered a bunch of bits from overseas bits shops about three weeks ago, none of which have arrived (save the FW/GW IW and IH upgrade kits). I'm hoping I haven't been duped out of my money dry.png Guess we shall have to see. Probably won't start putting paint on the marines until the weekend, so updates around Friday or Saturday most likely.



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So, I ordered a bunch of bits (plasma guns, melta bombs, couple flamers, etc) from a bits site in the UK about a month ago. Should have arrived about a week ago and they haven't come in. No response from emails sent either. It seems as if I've been duped out of my money dry.png The vow I made was based on the reasonable assumption that I would have all of the necessary parts to complete those three squads of Chaos Marines. Seeing as how that's not going to happen, I can't complete my original vow according to the WYSIWYG standard of ETL. After talking to Captain Semper about the extenuating circumstances, he has given me the go ahead to change my original vow so long as the points for the exchanged units are ballpark similar to the original total. So, that being said...

I, Kaldoth, Warsmith of the 29th Grand Company of the Iron Warriors Legion, re-rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and, in light of shady bits dealers stealing my money, re-vow to complete...

  • 1 Chaos Relic Sicaran Battle Tank with Heavy Bolter Sponsons (155 Pts) -COMPLETE-
  • 2 Maulerfiends with Lasher Tendrils (270 Pts)
  • 1 Warpsmith with Aura of Dark Glory and Burning Brand of Skalathrax (155 Pts)
  • 2 Obliterators (140 Pts)

for a total value of 720 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Iron Warriors of the 29th Grand Company and destruction to all those foolish enough to stand before our might. Failure will bring shame to our company and doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year end.

Feels kind of crappy having to change my vow sleep.png But I can't go out and buy boxed sets for such a small hand full of bits, and I'm definitely not ordering more bits from bits stores. Pictures of the boxed up units will be up later today. If anyone knows any bits stores (or would like to donate to the cause :P) that are reputable, I would appreciate a heads up so I can re-order the bits I need on payday.



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If you don't mind me asking, which bitz site did you use.

I use Bitz box which have always been great & any problem/mix up have been sorted.

I did use Let the Dice Decided they where pretty fast sending the parts in the past, use to arrive the day after order the part if it was done first thing in the day or that least the following day. I always found them to been good.

Oct when I place a order, it took a week+ to arrive, was a little gutted as I was hoping to spend my day off building a new squad of Iron Warriors for a local tournament & that never happen due to the order arrive a little later. I've not seen to much update on there stock for past while sad.png

Model Bits seem to stop since last year. There web site no longer around. It a shame as they where a good bit site.

I've use Bitz store in France last month. Little mix up on parts but it did get sorted in the end.

I've recent found Gitz Bitz, though out of stock on part that I wanted & not use the company just yet. The person was very helpful & answer my email with in a few hour & suggested other part, sadily not fitting with the conversion I have in mind. But still I though that was really good & they'd take photos of the model as example of there idea/suggestion.

There also Bits & Kits, but I've not use them myself & they seem be out stock of part that I'm looking for.

Ether way it a shame that you had a bad experience. I know I do get annoyed when order are delayed & general want to avoid order stuff if I can help it. Only other thing ebay.
I know for me, there a local wargaming event happen tomorrow & hoping stock up on some bitz ether from bring & buy or company that sell second hands models & general have bitz boxes with them.

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