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Greater Demons in other Demonkin Codices.

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Since the Wraithknight got upgraded to a Gargantuan Creature and with the Demon Lords being Gargantuan Creatures, is it possible that the rumored new Greater Demon models coming out, do y'all think that any of them could get turned into a Gargantuan Creature? The most I could think of is probably the Great Unclean One, which might make it more preferable than the other GD but seeing as the Insensate Rage Bloodthirster has the D Axe, it might work out.


Do y'all think if we do get 3 other Demonkin books we'll also get 3 new rule sets for the new GDs?

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The is no way of knowing as of yet whether the Daemonkin are planned trend for chaos or just something to take advantage of the End Times stuff.


As for GD becoming GC, they could easily FAQ the BT if needed, so it's possible. But know real way of knowing.

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I'd prefer they not, even if the model rocks, and it does, I'd rather they stay as MC across the board.

I would love to see it a GC. It doesn't take anything away from it- and merely adds a lot more survivability. I agree they probably won't for the current BT until a new codex drops (probably a while off) but a GUO would def. benefit from it. 

That said- i was wondering why they didnt make the BT a GC when it was released too- just seemed odd

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The is no way of knowing as of yet whether the Daemonkin are planned trend for chaos or just something to take advantage of the End Times stuff.


As for GD becoming GC, they could easily FAQ the BT if needed, so it's possible. But know real way of knowing.


That's what I'm hoping isn't the case and they'll release 3 more, but wouldn't really put it past them.

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I dont want them to have more staying power (GC GUO?!? They are bad enough as is, I know, because I abuse them) essentially, the LoW/Super Heavy/GC's...I just dont think they belong in 40K, it devalues every other model on the table. 

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I dont want them to have more staying power (GC GUO?!? They are bad enough as is, I know, because I abuse them) essentially, the LoW/Super Heavy/GC's...I just dont think they belong in 40K, it devalues every other model on the table. 


That would make them equal out with the increasing amount of cheap super heavies and the new gargantuan creature. I'd guess that the Tyranids will eventually get a GC in their Codex. They don't necessarily need to be GC, but they must be able to contend with them or else they'll be no equalizer.


They'd all need something like the Insensate Rage Bloodthirster to be able to contend. Maybe being unable to be removed on a 6 result by a D weapon, or give them D weapon psychic powers. It's not enough that they could fight other MC anymore, they have to be able to deal with the bigger things.


Whether we like it or not, Super Heavies and Gargantuan Creatures are going to become the norm in 40k, so each Codex needs at least one unit to deal with them, it would make sense to use the GD.

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I suppose I just disagree fundamentally. I certainly didnt need Eldar to have tons of access to D weapons, GC's, and Jetbikes that outshoot heavy support choices in my life.


Where does it stop? When we are all playing apocalypse and sweeping our units off the table after the time wasted setting them up? I got tired of that when I was using my heldrakes to lord over the local MEQ players...

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I suppose I just disagree fundamentally. I certainly didnt need Eldar to have tons of access to D weapons, GC's, and Jetbikes that outshoot heavy support choices in my life.


Where does it stop? When we are all playing apocalypse and sweeping our units off the table after the time wasted setting them up? I got tired of that when I was using my heldrakes to lord over the local MEQ players...

I don't think it will ever stop, them releasing apocalypse was pretty much a death sentence for normal 40k now GW seem so obsessed with selling their massive kits that they forced 40k to become apocalypse could you imagine them selling as much knight boxes if you couldn't take them in a standard game likewise with the GC wraithknight (I am really hating that everything has to be called knight nowadays it sucks) and D weapons rules that were solely apocalypse only have been merged just to sell more kits as well as giving players a chance as most of the time the easiest way to deal with apocalypse stuff is to use apocalypse stuff against it.


Getting back on point I hope they do Daemonkin versions of the other three gods when the release more plastic greater daemons after all Khorne Daemonkin is a brand new codex not a supplement it would be pretty unfair them being the only one to get one. In all honesty becoming GC suits greater daemons much more than some stupid eldar thing (should've been a super heavy walker like the knight) the fluff even shows it. They are the embodiment of each gods personality and power, they are unstoppable avatars of chaos which shrug off the lesser weapons of mortals GC is the only way of showing them to be as survivable and more worthy of their status among daemons. Sure it will get people moaning everything GW related does, but it just makes more sense.



I love all things Nurgle and would seriously love the chance to take a whole force following the same outline of the Khorne one but Nurgle hell is even buy a limited edition codex just for the heck of it as well as a new Great unclean one.


Hurry up GW and release them all ready, why won't you take my money from me I know you want it I'll even throw my soul into the bargain just release more greater daemons with Damonkin codexs

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I suppose I just disagree fundamentally. I certainly didnt need Eldar to have tons of access to D weapons, GC's, and Jetbikes that outshoot heavy support choices in my life.


Where does it stop? When we are all playing apocalypse and sweeping our units off the table after the time wasted setting them up? I got tired of that when I was using my heldrakes to lord over the local MEQ players...

I don't think it will ever stop, them releasing apocalypse was pretty much a death sentence for normal 40k now GW seem so obsessed with selling their massive kits that they forced 40k to become apocalypse could you imagine them selling as much knight boxes if you couldn't take them in a standard game likewise with the GC wraithknight (I am really hating that everything has to be called knight nowadays it sucks) and D weapons rules that were solely apocalypse only have been merged just to sell more kits as well as giving players a chance as most of the time the easiest way to deal with apocalypse stuff is to use apocalypse stuff against it.


Getting back on point I hope they do Daemonkin versions of the other three gods when the release more plastic greater daemons after all Khorne Daemonkin is a brand new codex not a supplement it would be pretty unfair them being the only one to get one. In all honesty becoming GC suits greater daemons much more than some stupid eldar thing (should've been a super heavy walker like the knight) the fluff even shows it. They are the embodiment of each gods personality and power, they are unstoppable avatars of chaos which shrug off the lesser weapons of mortals GC is the only way of showing them to be as survivable and more worthy of their status among daemons. Sure it will get people moaning everything GW related does, but it just makes more sense.



I love all things Nurgle and would seriously love the chance to take a whole force following the same outline of the Khorne one but Nurgle hell is even buy a limited edition codex just for the heck of it as well as a new Great unclean one.


Hurry up GW and release them all ready, why won't you take my money from me I know you want it I'll even throw my soul into the bargain just release more greater daemons with Damonkin codexs



I'm really wanting a Nurlge Demonkin Codex! I'd like to see some formation where it has Plague Zombies/Plaguebearers and Chaos Marine/Plague Marine Squads and all models w/o MoN or DoN within 6" or locked in combat are at -1 attack and/or toughness. Similar to how the Skitarii rules are.


I'm building my army around a Nurgle theme and would love to use some Nurgle Demons in a synergistic way that the Khorne Demonkin Codex does. One thing that would be sweet is to have all Cultist Squads automatically be Plague Zombies!

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I suppose I just disagree fundamentally. I certainly didnt need Eldar to have tons of access to D weapons, GC's, and Jetbikes that outshoot heavy support choices in my life.


Where does it stop? When we are all playing apocalypse and sweeping our units off the table after the time wasted setting them up? I got tired of that when I was using my heldrakes to lord over the local MEQ players...

I don't think it will ever stop, them releasing apocalypse was pretty much a death sentence for normal 40k now GW seem so obsessed with selling their massive kits that they forced 40k to become apocalypse could you imagine them selling as much knight boxes if you couldn't take them in a standard game likewise with the GC wraithknight (I am really hating that everything has to be called knight nowadays it sucks) and D weapons rules that were solely apocalypse only have been merged just to sell more kits as well as giving players a chance as most of the time the easiest way to deal with apocalypse stuff is to use apocalypse stuff against it.


Getting back on point I hope they do Daemonkin versions of the other three gods when the release more plastic greater daemons after all Khorne Daemonkin is a brand new codex not a supplement it would be pretty unfair them being the only one to get one. In all honesty becoming GC suits greater daemons much more than some stupid eldar thing (should've been a super heavy walker like the knight) the fluff even shows it. They are the embodiment of each gods personality and power, they are unstoppable avatars of chaos which shrug off the lesser weapons of mortals GC is the only way of showing them to be as survivable and more worthy of their status among daemons. Sure it will get people moaning everything GW related does, but it just makes more sense.



I love all things Nurgle and would seriously love the chance to take a whole force following the same outline of the Khorne one but Nurgle hell is even buy a limited edition codex just for the heck of it as well as a new Great unclean one.


Hurry up GW and release them all ready, why won't you take my money from me I know you want it I'll even throw my soul into the bargain just release more greater daemons with Damonkin codexs



I'm really wanting a Nurlge Demonkin Codex! I'd like to see some formation where it has Plague Zombies/Plaguebearers and Chaos Marine/Plague Marine Squads and all models w/o MoN or DoN within 6" or locked in combat are at -1 attack and/or toughness. Similar to how the Skitarii rules are.


I'm building my army around a Nurgle theme and would love to use some Nurgle Demons in a synergistic way that the Khorne Demonkin Codex does. One thing that would be sweet is to have all Cultist Squads automatically be Plague Zombies!



Yeah if Nugle players can take plague zombies, plague marines and/ or plague bearers as troops in the same army without any restrictions (having to take typhus or lord with mark of nurgle) I would be extremely grateful, just that and some nurgle army buff plus a brand new great unclean one would be the least I am hoping for

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While I like your ideas and enthusiasm I doubt we`ll see Daemonkin codexes for the other Gods. This was probably just a one time only deal by GW to sell more bloodthirsters. 


Excuse my cynicism. I wish it weren't so.

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While I like your ideas and enthusiasm I doubt we`ll see Daemonkin codexes for the other Gods. This was probably just a one time only deal by GW to sell more bloodthirsters. 


Excuse my cynicism. I wish it weren't so.


It's possible, but remember that a lot of people thought that the Khorne Demonkin Codex wasn't going to be a thing and they were wrong. So don't count those out.

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I'd like to think the rest of the GD's get a release. It makes total sense to pack a Daemonkin book in with that.

If the KDK has sold well (which it appears to have) then it's pretty much a no brainer if they will be releasing GD's anyway, other books would be money in the bank.
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While I like your ideas and enthusiasm I doubt we`ll see Daemonkin codexes for the other Gods. This was probably just a one time only deal by GW to sell more bloodthirsters. 


Excuse my cynicism. I wish it weren't so.


 And other daemonkind codexes will also be one time only deals to sell more other greater daemons...

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I think there's  decent chance we'll be seeing the other 3 daemonkin books at some point soonish. It's also fairly likely they will also be a copy + paste from the respective existing codices. Doubtful any will become gargantuan creatures, in my mind. Just more gargantuan in dimensions.

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