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TheDevourer Etl IV Thread

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I , TheDevourer rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and the plague father and vow to complete...

1 Daemon prince

- Wings

- Daemon of Nurgle

- - - > 200 Pts

Chaos lord

- 1 x Power Axe

- - - > 80 Pts

2 Chaos Spawns

- Mark of Nurgle

- - - > 72 Pts


- Power Fist

- Thunderhammer

- 1 x Heavy Flamer

- - - > 120 Pts

A total value of 472 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to Chaos in general & the papa nurgle in particular and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

This will be my first vow for this etl. Don't take notice of the space puppies, they're chaos marines (I swear) rolleyes.gif

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Bachelor thesis and a lot of other papers incoming this month so i'm not sure how much I'll be able to manage this time around. Still have a fairly decent batch of models left to do and I'll do my best to go the full 5 vows even if they end up being smaller then i'd like.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sooo progress is very slow due to an overlaod of university work. Sadly I don't expect it to pick up any time soon. Next week I'll be starting on my thesis as well as working on a project. Nonetheless, I will complete this vow at the very least and I've also put together a second vow which I may be able to complete in time.


So here's my progress so far: 1 completed spawn...





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  • 2 weeks later...


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