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weathering silver power armor

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For dirt and dust, you could use weathering powders (this will likely give the most realistic effects). Weathering Powder Tutorial by Secret Weapon Miniatures


Weathering Tutuorial over on DakkaDakka


You can also simply dry brush your chosen dust and dirt colors onto the model in the proper gathering places (lower legs and feet, in crevasess around the upper legs and arms), but if you want to get some real gritty look, you'll want to explore possibly getting some sand glued into those areas where you want the most build up.


For unpainted Ceramite like the Grey Knights are supposed to be, there's not necessarily an under-layer to reveal, so you don't want to paint a darker color underneath, however, you probably want to mimic the pitting effect by mixing some black with your silver paint or doing a few layers of Nuln Oil to darken spots on the armor, then highlight the lower edge with bright silver to fake a recess.


As far as rust, a couple of tutorials here on B&C:




A possibility is to use a bright silver base and dry brush a 'darker' silver or bright steel where you want it 'damaged'. Might give the impression of discoloration and the early effects of wear and corrosion without full on rusting. Or maybe get a very small amount of Nuln Oil on a cloth, allow it to soak into the cloth, rub it on an edge, and wipe it off while it's still wet. Would discolor the silver.

I used a few things on my GK land raider (check the WIP link in my sig for more photos), including chipping, pigments, inks and also oil washes for streaking although it's subtle. The chipping was is a dark silver with some added black as Bryan Blaire suggested and works well, especially you use a few different silvers as it looks more natural. I'm sure you could take it a lot further than I have if you wanted to.


A good source of weathering techniques is the FW masterclass vol 1, which i used extensively on the tank.




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