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assassins box.

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So I've wanted to start a chaos army forever as a counter to my black templars. Something different to play, another in house army if I have company that wants to play and they would look dead awesome on desplay against one another.


So I picked up dark vengeance. And the chaos force in there seams like a good start, and I already plan on picking up the dv expansion for chaos. Combine this with about 20 chaos cultist I have from appropriate old Necromunda models... But now I see that the assassin game which I would want anyways is chock full of chaos!


Anybody picked it up yet?


What exactly does it come with, same stuff available already or any unique guys? I mean I know how many it says on the site, just curious of the builds etc.


I think with the horde of cultists I'm going to end up with I should probably go with word bearers..

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All old stuff apart from the assassins I'm afraid.


Lord in TDA. Dark Vengence Cultists. And normal Chaos Marines.


I'd only go for it if you want the game and the assassins. More options out there for Chaos stuff really.

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I pick up the assassin's game during the weekend.

The Chaos side are models you can buy separate, so Cultist are the £6 box set, Chaos Marines are the clip together that are £5? & the Chaos Sorcerer is the Chaos Lord/Sorcerer Terminator set for £15 or £16?
It the four Assassin's that are brand new & you get all the stuff you need to play the Assassin's game (like Space Hulk).  As you commented if people went to your place this would be a great game to also get your friends involve.  As you said I think it'll really help you out with your Chaos army along with Dark Vengeance box set, give you a good core of units to use.  With the Helbrute, you could possible look that the Formation along with a few of the Cultist units.  You got your Lord, Chosen + the 3x clip together Chaos Marine models to bulk the unit out, make it a 9 man unit & Terminator Sorcerer or another Lord.


I'm looking forward to getting a few games of this.  I'm going to use my own Cultist & Sorcerer I've converted for my Iron Warriors & use this as a great way to add further background to my army.  Also the Assassins models are cool, want to try convert them for my Chaos as there just really cool model.

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Bear in mind that you can use the assassins as...chaos assassins, as long as you deploy them more than 12" away, and keep them more than 6" away from your forces. Shouldnt be an issue for the infiltrating eversor, callidus or culexus, or the sniper-nest-hiding vindicare.

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