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Vindicare at 1000 points

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hard to say without knowing your list... Personally since they made them detachments rather then unique units now I always take them in 2's rather then just 1. People tend to insta gib or ignore 1, 2 tends to be a credible threat/ good vehicle killer. Also not very expensive at 300 points for 2. I personally like running full assassin armies though... its just so much fun to see the opponents face whistling.gif

[...] get 1 victory point from killing the warlord?

From my (somewhat limited) experience, he is not all that great at killing characters. What he is good at is killing vehicles; especially those with low to medium armor that rely on jink, shrouded or other cover saves. In a game with 1000 points, I would not be worried as much about his cost. I would be more concerned with whether my opponent would be able to field any good targets.


Anyway, I think 1000 points is as low as I would go to even consider fielding a vindicare. I also think I would try to find a better target than the enemy warlord. You may get lucky but you have to hit (likely), wound(probable), he has to fail LO,S(not likely) and his armor save(might happen) and then you still have a 33% chance of only causing 1 wound. It's nice when it works, but you get more consistent results shooting at tanks and transports.

  • 1 month later...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't precision shots negate look out sir? All the Vindis shots (excluding snap shots) have the precision shots special rule. Granted that's unlikely as you need to roll a 6, but 1 in three chance that your hit will go right where you want it.


I was wrong. However all successful to-hit rolls for the vindi are precision shots, so no matter what the round is going where you want it. He'd be pretty useful for eliminating special and heavy weapons, and for eliminating force multipliers. 


That guy had the signum? He's dead. That guy has a vox? dead. Master of ordnance? Toast. Hidden power weapons? Bye. 

If I were to play him with marines, I'd get a FA Rhino, stick him in there and stick it in cover, then just pivot the Rhino to get the fire points aimed in whichever direction I want him aimed at. At 1000 points though, it's quite a proportion of the army.
  • 1 month later...

I have decided not to take one, since it will not kill enough to make it better than the LRBT


Depends on what LRBT you take. Any non-blast weapon LRBT hits on a 4+ (50% chance of a hit) against a 90% precision shot from the assassin. Blast weapons are slightly more accurate with a 81% chance of not scattering outside of template coverage.


The bigger advantage is AV14 vs T4.


I guess it depends on what role you want the assassin to take as to whether he's better than a tank.

At larger points, where he is a lesser percentage of your army he's great, but at 1k, losing a 150 point model hurts, especially when he's T4, there need to be other threats on the table, otherwise the opponent is gunning for him.


Put him in ruins or behind walls/barricades for a 3+ cover save/4+ invun save and he'll stay alive for a good time and if they concentrate fire on him they're leaving other units alone.


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