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Imperial Knights; 2500 Pipedream


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I made this mostly for fun but, 6 Knights at 2500 points? Ouch. Still, not unbeatable but it'll be hard.


+++ KNIGHTS! (2500pts) +++
++ Questoris Knight Crusade Army (Questoris Knight Crusade Army) (2500pts) ++
+ HQ (430pts) +
Seneschal (430pts) [Cerastus Knight-Castigator]
····Deflagrate, Flank Speed, Household Rank, Ideal Mission Commander, Master Knight, Tempest Attack
+ Troops (370pts) +
Scion Martial (370pts) [Questoris Knight Errant]
····Household Rank, Objective Secured
+ Elites (430pts) +
Preceptor (430pts) [Questoris Knight Styrix]
····Blessed Autosimulacra, Deflagrate, Graviton Pulse, Household Rank, Oracle of Battle, Overtaxed Reactor
+ Fast Attack (840pts) +
Scion Dolorous (440pts) [Cerastus Knight-Acheron]
····Dolorous Charge, Flank Speed, Household Rank, Machine Destroyer, Worthy Foe
Scion Uhlan (400pts) [Cerastus Knight-Lancer]
····Flank Speed, Household Rank, Impetuous Advance, Swift Strike, Uhlan's Scorn
+ Heavy Support (430pts) +
Scion Arbalester (430pts) [Questoris Knight Styrix]
····Blessed Autosimulacra, Deflagrate, Graviton Pulse, Household Rank, Overtaxed Reactor, Weapon Calibration
Decided to Include the summary of their Rules for the Curious.
In Short:
-Seneschal: 10 MB Cost upgrade that gives +1BS, +1WS and +1 Invulnerable. May Re-Roll WL Trait. One of which (6) is IWND
-Scion Martial: Free, No buffs.
-Preceptor: 5 MB Cost, Gives +1 to your reserves and -1 To enemy and all knights withing 6" Interceptor and perform Overwatch as an Exception to the Normal Rules for SH. Hellstorm Templates Deal D6 hits instead of D3 if performing Overwatch. Other Knights must be part of the Same Detachment to benefit.
-Dolorous: 5 MB Cost, Re-roll Charge and Sweeping Advance. Must Charge either: Knight, Walker, MC, Primarch, S-HW or GC if able.
-Uhlan: Free, Gains Scout and Hit & Run, -1 To front Armor, may only Snap-Shoot if targets are 24"+ Away.
-Arbalester: 5 MB Cost, Gains Tank Hunter, If it has not moved, Gains Skyfire.
...The Idea of an ObSec Knight amuses me so.
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