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The Sanguinor Revisited


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I recently played an all-BA army in a 30 person tournament, and determined to play it on hard-mode, I ran a 100% BA list that featured the Sanguinor as my warlord. I must say, he did very well. My army went 2-1 and I finished in 10th place...not bad considering all the cheese that was entered into this tournament (screamer stars, four flyrant lists, a five-knight list, Lynx on skyshield, etc.).


I ran him with a Sanguinary Priest on a bike with a power fist. Together, the two-man squad had toughness 5, 12" movement, WS9 on the Sanguinor (so WS 4 opponents hit him on 5's), a 2+/4++ eternal warrior tank, FNP, and a T5 prist that can jink and take some AP2 wounds off the Sanguinor. If facing 3+ armour or worse, the Sanguinor tears it up. When dealing with 2+ armour, the priest has the AP2 fist. Not too bad for 305 points. The Sanguinor gives the priest +1 attack with the fist, so you're hitting with it 4x on the charge. Next time I may save 5 points and run the priest with Valour's Edge instead of the fist. With the T5, 2+/4++, FNP, and jinking LOS rolls, it's essentially a 300 point mini-deathstar that has the tools to hurt most anything. The unit does not need a transport and is something your opponent can't afford to ignore. 


How the games went:

In my first game, I beat a Khorne Daemonkin list that featured two winged Bloodthirsters w/the strength-D axes and Belakor. In that game, the Sanguinor and priest beat down a Bloodthirster (they had some help from a dreadnought) and a large unit of screamers all the while boosting my DC and other dreadnought while they simultaneously fought the 2nd bloodthirster. (8-1 BA victory)


In the second game, my worst game, the Sanguinor fought bravely, but eventually died to the SW/DA/skitarri army I was facing. In this game, my opponent rolled first turn and I was on the end of a very nasty alpha strike that killed almost all my DC and my Vindicator at the top of turn 1. Not even the Sanguinor could save me after that bad start. I should add that the Sanguinor was the last model in my list to die in a game in which I got tabled by the eventual tourney runner-up.  (9-1 BA loss)


In my third game, I faced a Farsight Enclaves Tau list. The Sanguinor tore up some crisis suits and claimed an objective before assaulting Farsight's unit and killing Farsight. (7-2 BA victory).


The Sanguinor proved to be very effective at boosting my surrounding army. I had to ber very careful with model placement (6" model range is not much), but he boosted the attacks on my assault marines, DC, and dreadnoughts (yes....his aura works on dreadnoughts too....and +1 S10 attack on dreadnoughts is VERY nice). When considering this bonus and the fact that his fearless bubble works on any allied unit (imperial guard blobs, etc), I think the Sanguinor can be in the middle of some very effective lists. I had previously written him off, but now I've had a change of heart and he'll definitely be seeing some more table time. 



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List was:


1850 point Baal Strike Force Detachment


Sanguinor (warlord)

Sanguinary Priest on bike w/ Power Fist



10x Death Company w/ jumppacks and 2x power fists

5x Death Company w/ jumppacks and 1x power sword

Fragioso Dreadnought w/ heavy flamer and magna grapple



5x scouts w/ 5x sniper rifles

Cassor the Damned with dedicated Luscius Pattern Drop pod transport



10x assault marines w/ 2x melta, verteran sergent w/ power sword and melta bombs

5x assault marines w/ no jumppacks, 2x melta, and 2x/ inferno pistols in dedicated drop pod

Drop pod



Vindicator w/ overcharged engines and dozer blade

Predator w/ Lascannon sponsons, overcharged engines, and dozer blade



Aegis Defense Line w/ Quad Gun

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I'll add that there were only two BA players entered in the tournament, myself and one other player. The other BA player was running an Angel's Wrath formation w/ Dante and managed to place third overall. And yes...we were using the ITC/Adepticon FAQ that prevents first turn deepstrike assaults. 


Very good showing for BA...two top 10 finishes. 

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I may have to slap together a biker SP and give this a whirl.  I also like the disparity of numbers between your two DC units, seems like a great way to get you opponent sweating when they have to pick targets to shoot.

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