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  • 3 weeks later...

Blurry picture update time



Rhinos, dreads and chaos marines with half of my termie squad. 


11390229_891419864250705_458894798715017Doomrider... ku ku ku yeah!!!



Started the Dark Apostle and the Masque


Not sure what I'm doing for the Apostles head, sticking with the Hellraiser Cenobite thing but I doubt I'll be able to do a 'pinhead' head that small, I'm sure I'll think of something, eventually. 


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  • 1 month later...

Vow 3 Done 



I SlavetoDarkness, (inserts generic oath)chosen from Codex Chaos Marines.
Chaos Sorcerer - Mark of Slaanesh, Sigil of Corrupton, Mastery2. 125
x6 Cultsts - Mark of Slaanesh. 60

for a total of 185 points, to be completed blah blah Aug 1st.


I'll get better pictures of the painted stuff p when I get the time and good enough lighting

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Vow 4... BOOM



I SlavetoDarkness vow to complete the following from Codex Chaos Marines and Codex Crimson Slaughter

AH'BADHUN (Counts as Abaddon) 265

Chaos Lord - Blade of the Relentless, Slaughterers Horns, Daemon Heart, Sigil of Corruption, Combat Familliar 180

Chaos Lord - Prophet of the Voices, Gift of Mutation, Jump Pack, Comb-bolter, Power Weapon 138

Chosen - x2 Lightning Claws, Flamer, x2 Power Weapons,Gift of Mutation 165

Sorcerer -Mark of Nurgle, Sigil of Corruption, Palanquin ,Blight Grenades, Spell Familliar 160

to a total of 908 points before the 1st Aug.. 




I'm still building one Lord so I'll edit a pik into this post when its built

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Vow 5 finished!




Sorceror of Nurgle complete with Word Bearers/Crimson Slaughter possessed lord 'Targel  Aall'



Group shot of all 5 Vows



Time to celebrate :D





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Cheers. tbh basing wasn't as bad as I thought it would be as long as I based before I prime


Yeah, it's definitely the way forward. Or, I do love a resin base as an alternative...

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C-C-C-C-yeeeeeah!   Dr. Rockso Loves what'choo doin with that doom rider baby!  Nah but seriously, fantastic work.  I like all the models quite a bit, especially the possessed bits mixed with the Raptors/Warp Talons sprue.  I've got about 10 of those in the works too, it looks fantastic :)



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Annoyingly Doomriders arm fell off and I ain't found it yet, think I need to tidy up a bit lol..


The Possessed/Raptor thing was pure 'what if', think I'm gonna make that squad up to full size, I liked painting them even though they didn't turn out exactly how I expected them.

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