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My very first game ever.


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I played my very first game of Warhammer 40k today 500pts Blood Angels vs Salamanders. I lost, but it was still fun. We played variable length with points killed as the winning factor. I have discovered that taking flamers against Salamanders is a complete waste of points, with over 20 wounds inflicted by flame weapons he took only a single loss. I'm thinking maybe heavy bolters or heavy plasma next time. Transports also seem worthless on a 48" board. I would much rather have had an extra squad in exchange for the 2 storm bolters that missed every single shot.


My army was:

Baal Strike Force

Chaplain with Jump pack

5 tac squad with heavy flamer and rhino

5 tac squad with heavy flamer and rhino

5man Death Company with 2 power swords


And I was against (roughly):


Captain with Relic Blade

5 tac squad with heavy flamer

5 tac squad with missile launcher

5 tac squad with meltagun

5 stern vets


After Action Report (no notes, this is based on memory)


Turn 1:

No shots fired, I moved the DC and Chaplain up the side of the board, tac squads started in their transports which moved up the centre.

He fired once at a Rhino with a missile launcher which did nothing.


Turn 2:

DC assaults one of his tac squads, disaster strikes as half the squad (3 models) are killed via overwatch. Initiative 5 on the charge means I strike first and the single remaining powersword wipes the entire tactical squad with the chaplain sipping a latte and the other DC member foaming angrily at the mouth and complaining bitterly about not sharing. One tactical squad disembarks and flames one of his other squads of 5. I score 4 wounds and looking forward to having wiped out half his force in one turn am dismayed when his re-rolled armour saves negate all 4 wounds. 4 bolter shots manages to kill 2 models and he runs away.

Having murdered the tactical squad it assaulted, the DC is now out in the open (lesson learned: don't assault units you can wipe out by coughing unless you can get into cover afterwards) and is promptly shot to pieces by the sternguard vets. His missile launcher glances a hull point off a rhino, the only thing it did all game.


Turn 3:

Mostly misses for me. Flamers are again ignored and his captain charged one of my tactical squads and killed everyone but the sergeant.


Turn 4:

Lots of shooting, I kill off the retreating tactical squad and reduce his final remaining tac squad to 3 members. Flamers again prove useless against rerolled armour saves.

His Sternguard fires special rounds which result in him losing 2 models to Gets Hot explosions and not killing anything. His captain charges a rhino and glances a hull point off.


Turn 5:

I fire at his sterngaurd, having wiped out all but 3 of his tacticals (which were retreating behind buildings) and suceed in hearing a lot of clangs and pings as my shots all bounce off his armour.

He shoots his sternguard at my tacticals and kills another. His captain finishes off one Rhino in close combat.


The game ended at this point, both via dice roll and also because he had to go to work. I had 4 tacticals and a Rhino left alive, with him having his captain, 3 tacticals and 3 Sternguard left standing. I'm going to go ahead and say that I lost this game because of 3 mistakes.


1. Taking transports. At this level of points and on a 48" map they aren't needed and take up valuable points.

2. Flamers against Salamanders. So many wounds caused that simply bounced off his troops.

3. Charging that first tactical squad, wiping it out with ease and then being left out in no-man's land to be shot up by his remaining troops. Half of my points spent to kill less than 20% of his. Not a good trade.


I'm going to make some changes to my list and I look forward to the next game!


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Transports aren't bad but they need careful consideration.

There purpose is to allow you to isolate enemy units rather than just close the gap with all his forces.


In your case I'd drop the chaplain for a sanguinary priest.

The DC don't need any help as you saw, a couple with power swords can chew up marines no trouble.


Keep the faith with flame

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I must agree on the vehicles notion. At 500 points you need to be very cautious when you add a transport. They're typically a point sink at that level. I'd suggest either land speeders, more bodies, or possibly a dreadnought - maybe. I understand if you're limited by your collection at the moment though.

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Was he running his list as BA? Only we have access to heavy flamers on our tacs so far. It also looks like you had enough points to spare for another power weapon.


I suggest waiting to get off a good charge, you will strike before he does and will wound his troops on a 3 giving you a huge advantage. Sternguard can be really scary, try to prioritize them with your dc. Good luck!

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 Transports also seem worthless on a 48" board. I would much rather have had an extra squad in exchange for the 2 storm bolters that missed every single shot.



So swap 90pts of tank that can move 24" per turn, and put out 4 bolt shots for 90pts of tactical squad that can move 6" per turn and put out 4 bolt shots and one special weapon shot ;)


Tanks at this level are good, as the opponent may not have enough to deal with them. Imagine if both of your rhinos shot 24" up the board after that sternguard squad T1, with your death co hiding behind them?


T2, the rhinos move up, disembark, the DC move to charge something, and the rhinos flat out to shield the DC from return fire, while both tac squads concentrate on a single unit.


I'd also go with a plasma gun in a 5 man tactical squad, with a combi plasma on the serge. Drop pods and flamers, rhinos and plasma :)


The chappy is also a point sink at this level, and the priest not so good, as he only affects small units.

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If you need a troop dread, he's OK

But he has a poor load out and can't drop pod.

Consensus is generally that podded fragcannon furies are the best dreads.


But anyway

Welcome to the blood angels, we're a committed lot

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I would recommend dropping the power swords on the Death Company. At the points level and squad size you are playing at right now, they are plenty powerful enough to deal with their opponents just using chainswords. Without the power swords ignoring your opponent's armour saves, you might not completely slaughter them right away tongue.png

In looking for alternatives, I've discovered Cassor the Damned. How do people generally feel about fielding him?

IMO, other than the fact that he thankfully uses a Troops slot instead of an Elites, he's nothing special. I will note though that I am a strong proponent of using what you find fun over what is the most efficient army list. So try fielding him with some sort of proxy and see whether or not you enjoy using him smile.png

If you need a troop dread, he's OK
But he has a poor load out and can't drop pod.
Consensus is generally that podded fragcannon furies are the best dreads.

But anyway
Welcome to the blood angels, we're a committed lot

Cassor can be podded, you just can't buy the pod through his unit entry and have to instead buy an empty pod in a Fast Attack slot.

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Welcome to the fray fellow son of Sanguinius!


I think I can only echo what the other brothers have said. Plasma in the rhinos, and a priest with one of the squads, possibly with a combi plasma!


If you didn't have heavy framers, this game would've gone a lot better I think. You could've driven up and unloaded plasma to cripple his Sternguard and then use your mobility and superior firepower and assault to cripple him.

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