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Time for a change.....

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Hello there,


I'm from the UK and live in the lovely city that is Bath. I'm 20 and just finishing my degree in Forensic Biology. I am a small time commission painter (or at least while I still have free time) and I'm a long time hobbyist.


I've followed a lot of different people's blogs on this site and others and have started a few blogs of my own in the past which always just died out as interest was lost, but today I've decided to start blogging again.


Over the next few weeks I aim to post pictures and tutorials (if people would like them) of my new nurgle chaos marine (counts as C:SM) army.


Here's a quick preview of what I've got so far.


Nurgle Champion with Combi-Melta


Thanks for reading. 

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Hail and welcome to the forums brother! Bath, eh? I'm not too far away from Bath myself. Hell, I even used to frequent GW Bath back when it was on Upper Borough Walls and Avon Street after that. Haven't been for a good long while, certainly not since the store moved to St. James' Parade at least, although I do know Jai. 


Anyhoo, feel free to ask any questions you may have and don't forget to check the rules for posting. You'll avoid silly little faux pas by doing so. :)

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Hello and thanks.

I work with Jai. biggrin.png If you're ever in Bath you should come check out the store. We have some fantastic minis in the cabinet.

Will do and thanks again.

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Nice city bath. Bit of a trek from sunny Cardiff though... blink.png

Welcome to the forums! Nurgle eh? We will be sure to disinfect everything you have been near! ...with a flamethrower... :P

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