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The Dark Gods need you! *points tentacle inspiringly*

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So, you may have noticed that this thing called the ETL just started happening. The rules are here, but basically you vow to paint legal stuff from whatever relevant Chaos book you like (including Forge World stuff!), Captain Semper adds up all the points of all the vows, and whichever forum has the highest percentage of completed vows wins. Pretty simple, right?


We won last year, by a pretty impressive margin. Hell, it was so impressive we forced a rule change to the aforementioned completion percentage rather than just raw points. But the Dark Gods are never satisfied, and honour demands we step up to the plate once more. So far, we're looking pretty good, but those upstarts down in the Heresy forum are looking even stronger, and the filthy loyalists that think they can rule the empire we built are also racing ahead.


This is where you come in! Every completed vow counts, doesn't matter if it's a single Chaos Lord or a Reaver Titan with accompanying Warhound Maniple. Head over to the Strategium, make your vow, and forge another link in the chain that encircles the Imperium's neck. Let's go down in history as the first forum to win the ETL twice in a row, something even the Templars, with all their zeal, couldn't do.



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