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2k Blood Angels


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Horus Heresy has always tempted me to start an army with my favorite legion, the Blood Angels, but I've never had the money to invest in that direction. Well, if GW drops it with the new edition of fantasy then I have an Empire army to sell as seed money for an astartes force. This is the army I'm considering working toward.



Chaplain - Artificer Armor, Jump Pack, Meltabombs, Power Maul, and Void Shield Harness


Moritat - Artificer Armor, Plasma Pistol x2, Combat Augment Array, Meltabombs, and Phase-Walker



Tactical Squad x20 - Sergeant (Artificer Armor and Meltabombs) and Legion Vexilla


Tactical Squad x20 - Sergeant (Artificer Armor and Meltabombs) and Legion Vexilla

Assault Squad x20 - Sergeant (Artificer Armor, Power Maul, and Meltabombs) and Power Axe x4



Apothecary Detachment - Apothecary x2


Rapier Weapons Battery - Laser Destroyer Array x3


Rapier Weapons Battery - Laser Destroyer Array x3

Heavy Suppport-
Legion Heavy Support Squad x5 - Sergeant (Artificer Armor) and Missile Launchers
Battle Plan:
Shooting with covered advance. The Chaplain joins the assault squad while the Apothecaries join the tactical squads. Rapiers to their things, along with the heavy support squad. Artificer Armor is to help in challenges and to allow sergeants to, hopefully, act as bullet sponges for their squads. The Moritat will hopefully have a bit of luck and gut an enemy squad with some accurate plasma fire, though I wonder if he really needs the relics in this instance (phase-walker probably but likely not the array.) Since he'll probably die the instant he is out of cover, I might be able to drop the artificer armor on him too. Perhaps get another heavy support squad.
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I would say: try to reduce the size of that assault squad. It's what, 400 points? Try to change that devastator squad for a deredo or Mortis contemptor for anti air. For the mortitat the phase walker is probably good by itself. I like the list fun and fluffy yet fun.
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