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I noticed something here: you're taking Nomus Rhy'tan but not using his ability to take even more Dreadnoughts? Shame! Shame. Shame.


Keeper of the Keys would let you grab an extra talon as a non-compulsory HQ. It would also screw up being at 5k though, and I'm not 100% on if it lets you take a Contemptor talon or just a regular box-dread talon. I think either?

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I noticed something here: you're taking Nomus Rhy'tan but not using his ability to take even more Dreadnoughts? Shame! Shame. Shame.


Keeper of the Keys would let you grab an extra talon as a non-compulsory HQ. It would also screw up being at 5k though, and I'm not 100% on if it lets you take a Contemptor talon or just a regular box-dread talon. I think either?

Its only box dreads - which is why theyre not being taken.

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I noticed something here: you're taking Nomus Rhy'tan but not using his ability to take even more Dreadnoughts? Shame! Shame. Shame.


Keeper of the Keys would let you grab an extra talon as a non-compulsory HQ. It would also screw up being at 5k though, and I'm not 100% on if it lets you take a Contemptor talon or just a regular box-dread talon. I think either?

Its only box dreads - which is why theyre not being taken.



Yeah I wondered about that, sometimes there are rules that just refer vaguely to "Dreadnoughts" but this one seemed more specific. Screw that then, Contemptors all the way.


Except Cassian Dracos, his box is too sexy. 

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I... I just did an inventory of the dreads I have on hand...


Including the RT Era Contemptor, I'm about half way to Dreadhead (9 of 19).


Coupled with the fact that, since April, I've also picked up all the Knight models (including 6 of the 5 Forgeworld versions)...


I think I might have a problem (okay, so the problem is not enough time and good weather to paint all those walkers...)

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  • 1 month later...

I noticed something here: you're taking Nomus Rhy'tan but not using his ability to take even more Dreadnoughts? Shame! Shame. Shame.

Keeper of the Keys would let you grab an extra talon as a non-compulsory HQ. It would also screw up being at 5k though, and I'm not 100% on if it lets you take a Contemptor talon or just a regular box-dread talon. I think either?

Its only box dreads - which is why theyre not being taken.

I'm curious. You wouldn't have a reference for the 'only box dreads' ruling, would you? From everything I'm reading, Rhy'tan's 'Honour Squad' isn't limited to them.

  1. The 'Keeper of the Keys' refers to '...a single Dreadnought Talon...'
  2. The CAL does not have a unit called a 'Dreadnought Talon', but rather a 'Legion Dreadnought Talon' and a 'Contemptor Dreadnought Talon', each of which has the 'Dreadnought Talon' SR
  3. (conjectural, as it deals with a specific rather than general question) In the Betrayal FAQ, the answer to a question on the Legion Thunderhawk Gunship and it's ability to carry 'Dreadnoughts' stats that it "...covers both Legion Dreadnoughts and Legion Contemptor Dreadnoughts."

Mind you, it ultimately doesn't matter with regards to my Salamander Dreadhead. Contemptor or not, I'll be using whichever rules for my 'oldest and most honored dead' of the XVIIIth...

Hidden Content

Top Left: Rogue Trader Contemptor - Wide Body with 2 CCW/TL Bolters

Top Right: Rogue Trader Furibundus (long leg) - Standard Body with CCW/TL Bolter, Lascannon

Bottom: Rogue Trader Deredeo - Standard Body with CCW/TL Bolter, Missile Launcher


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Theres a case to be made for it, for sure.


If this does come true and peeps im playing with are cool with the idea, then Id take contemptors. For random games, unless we got an FAQ or clarification, id refrain from it.

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