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Dirge Casters.

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Just wondering how people would model this bit of wargear without using the basic one that comes with the vehicle sprue.

I'm trying to get vehicle upgrades themed to each god, and I have vehicles of each power to do for the ETL and I've ran out of ideas on how to represent this bit of gear that I always use. 

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I'd look at the effect, not the description per se, and consider modelling something that's demoralising and distracting. Maybe it's a row of skulls on spikes with their mouths half open, maybe it's a flayed corpse or a shrine to the Gods.


Working more literally, a speaker is just a box shape with wire mesh on the front and is easy to model, and various animal heads with their mouth open and a flamer cone or grav gun nozzle will look like stylized loudhailera.

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I find that the loudspeaking dirgecaster fits most followers of the dark gods.

But a nurgle embellishment with the same effect could be a bunch of flies preventing proper reaction fire.

Tzeentch maybe a shroud of warpfire, and khorne followers could distract the enemy with balloons and promises of cheap and nice airconditioning, who would immediatly discard the notion of such luxury?


Personally, even the vehicles with and without dirgecasters are modeled the same, most opponents never play against chaos, and the people who know what a dirge caster is, is alright with just being told that 'these three vehicles' have the upgrade.

Lucios suggestion with the demoralising stuff is good, too.

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The cloud of flies is a good one, to model it get one of the Blight King torsos that shows a mass of guts and mould greenstuff to form the back and position against a trophy rack. Paint it and once dry add tiny balls of greenstuff all over the model and on the tank itself. Paint these black and give them a gloss coat. End effect should be a decayed torso swarming with flies.

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Memeber Mig use to post here.  For his Iron Warrior Dreadnought he use the Missile Luncher arm & the heads from the 3rd ed era Chaos Possessed spure that we got with the Chaos Marines (8 model box set) for his Dire Caster.  Sort of a screaming wall type thing (if you read Talons of Horus).


I'm also looking to try convert a Dire Caster for my Iron Warriors Berzerker Rhino, part look cool & part WYSIWYG.

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Its the nurgle one thats really bugging me most at the moment. my brain just gave up. think its the lack of sleep. 


A Nurgle "Dirge Caster".... wow. Thinking... gaseous anomalies... thinking.... exhaust pipes.... thinking... there's NO chance I can keep this answer appropriate, and PG13 so go with brown speakers instead?

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Its the nurgle one thats really bugging me most at the moment. my brain just gave up. think its the lack of sleep.


Nurgling with pompoms, cheer leading outfit, and a big ol' cone that he can shout into :P

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What about modelling like a mud dauber wasp nest along the side of it, maybe the entrances secreting something foul?  A swarm of bloated wasps certainly seems like a "Nurgle Dirge Caster" to me!  Very hard to fire overwatch when you're covered in angry hornets.

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