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The Inquisition of Grimm


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So I thought I might share some more of my Inquisitorial attendants and associates..


First up is Murmur, death cult assassin of the Solar Cult on Xi-Alpha One.




Next we have Brother Captain Castiel of the Ordo Malleus order militant,; The Grey Knights




Next we have the Triptyque de la Mort; the assassins.




And that's that for now. More coming when I get the time to take more photos.

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Hi hello, bit of an update of various characters that feature in what I am now loosely calling House Tzeryll.


First up the chief navigator of the house. Lanesh Tzeryll.



Gnarled mutant Gyera, who only too happily carries out the highest bidder's wishes.http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah265/Grimm3_9/Neu%20Inquisitorii/20150615_192705-1_zps1opvgaz1.jpg


Festra the chief of the house guards.



Cerastes the naval adjutant, house navy.http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah265/Grimm3_9/Neu%20Inquisitorii/20150615_192848-1_zpssrdwj93x.jpg


The brothers Grimm, ardent and zealous guards of the inner sanctum. http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah265/Grimm3_9/Neu%20Inquisitorii/20150615_192752-1_zpsadkkjbwh.jpghttp://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah265/Grimm3_9/Neu%20Inquisitorii/20150615_192808-1_zps49bmsmpl.jpg


House standard carrier. Bound to secrecy and bound for life.http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah265/Grimm3_9/Neu%20Inquisitorii/20150615_192735-1_zps9quos9rc.jpg


So.. let me know what you think.

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