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Thinking about starting chaos

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Thanks everyone for All the advise! It's refreshing to read posts from people who aren't particularly tournament players. I like gaming with models that I think look cool and all of this gives me a lot to look into.
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There are three lines of thought here and one advice I can give you. 


1. Chaos is a hard army to play and a hard army to win with ATM. So go for it if you like the looks and the mechanics. Do not expect wins. 


2. Chaos is the perfect army for those who like to convert models, are inspired by a more "grimdark" aesthetics and for those who choose character over everything else. Chaos, be it marines or daemons, has a lot of character and of this you can be proud. It is not the shallow plank of the imperial astartes, nor the shallow army which is played due to rules and gameplay. Chaos is for the collector, the aficionado, Chaos is for the player who sees many more dimensions to his army than just the hobby one. It is almost a philosophy unto self. 


3. Chaos demands from a player loyalty. Strange indeed but it does so. Never will Chaos be on par with the Imperial armies, nor get as much support. We are a conflicting faction with conflicting ideas but we share something that many other armies do not. We share the drammatis persona of the villain and the outlook of the rogue, yet above all we share a certain pride in our colors. A pride which is seen only among the most ardent of the loyalist players. In short Chaos is for the devoted person. It requires trust and it requires loyalty. Why? Because it is those two things that keep you playing it even while GW does nothing for our faction in months, years or for entire editions. 


Now is the time for the advice. No matter what army you field, what theme you present and what army list you play add an Imperial Knight. The addition of the Imperial Knight helps our army with so many aspects that it is understandable why we demand our own Chaos Knights some day. The Imperial Knight will make many thematic and fun lists work and in a beer&pretzel environment will allow you to enjoy your army for at least some time. Even in casual gameplay do not place your faith in our codex, it struggles and it struggles bad, but a Knight can alleviate many such a struggle.  

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I agree with Tenebris except for point 3.... I honestly don't know what to expect as far as the next codex, but all it takes is someone in the studio who's really hot for Chaos.... Look at Eldar. Crazy.


But Chaos is definitely more of an acquired taste. You just don't see people hopping on the army to be WAAC for a tournament. Not happening. The army background is super rich though, and it's one of those rare armies that almost anything goes for appearance. A great hobbiest army to be sure.

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Agreed 100% past 3 games ive had ive ran a mostly nurgle/unmarked force out of the black legion supplement my only loss was to a thousand sons army yup you heard that right a thousand sons army

I feel like am living in a bizzar world right now. But tell us, how did that happen. because the only way for that to happe is you take 20 man squads and your opponent somehow getting in to rapid fire untouched and ahriman pulling off 3 shrieks in a single psy phase.

i loved the previous one

I have seen everything.mellow.png

Or just really bad rolls-it's a dice game Jeske.
Or he was drinking beer. I've lost some games because I had a few beers while I was playing.
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Agreed 100% past 3 games ive had ive ran a mostly nurgle/unmarked force out of the black legion supplement my only loss was to a thousand sons army yup you heard that right a thousand sons army

I feel like am living in a bizzar world right now. But tell us, how did that happen. because the only way for that to happe is you take 20 man squads and your opponent somehow getting in to rapid fire untouched and ahriman pulling off 3 shrieks in a single psy phase.

i loved the previous one

I have seen everything.mellow.png

Or just really bad rolls-it's a dice game Jeske.
Or he was drinking beer. I've lost some games because I had a few beers while I was playing.

i was totally sober :p

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