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This might not be the right place to post this, and if it isn't, I apologize.

I am a brand new (7e) Astra Militarum player. I have seen how important it is to field a wide array of Leman Russ, but also how they mission dictates the loadout.

My question is, as someone who is (thinks they are) good at plasticwork, how do I go about selling that to others? I realize the market for magnetized models is pretty high, but I can also appreciate the possible legal issues with Games Workshop, or even the backlash from a community that is all about DIY.

I Just wanted to get everyone's opinion on it.

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As far as I can tell, amongst the traders and sellers of second hand armies and models, magnetised models (plus options) tend to attract a lot of attention. That should tell you all you need to know, really. Many people are willing to pay for magnetised minis and, afaik, it doesn't cause any legal issues. A magnetised unit is going to be of more worth to a second-hand buyer than models glued together with no other options capable of being explored. 

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