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Long range in the Chaos Codex

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Greetings dark brothers !


So, after playtesting my Chaos army, which I want to be mainly footslogging, I realized thatone of two things were missing :

- A few more faster units to intercept and be in the opponent's face

- More long range units


Because my other armies tend to be fast , I'd like to go the slow firepower route instead. What do you guys usually go for to add long range nasty firepower to your army ?


Cheers !

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Pretty much what AC said...


Nurgle Oblits

Autocannon Havocs... my personal fave



Although lately with my Renegades, I'm think a Firestorm Redoubt and swap out to Punisher Gatling Cannons with either allied Havocs inside or Heavy Weapons Teams... maybe with a Russ parked along side it for another Punisher or Plasmacutioner.

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If you're willing to use forge world units, rapier weapon batteries are probably our best long range unit. Can rally put some means weapons on those batteries for a very decent pts cost. Hades autocannons, laser destroyers and conversions beamers are all good choices for rapiers. 

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Thanks guys for the ideas so far !


So far in my army I run 3 Obliterators and a Land Raider for long range, and I felt I really had trouble projecting damage, because most of my units are footslogging. In today's game my MVP were Chaos Terminators who single handedly killed 33% of the smurfs army by Deep Striking on the backfield (a Predator, 3 grav Cents and about 80 points worth of Tactical Marines - who say Terminators suck ? :p )




I'll probably try to avoid Havocs even though I really can see how interesting they are with autocannons ! I'm just a bit tired of Power Armour ^^ The Defiler could be a good idea, I'd need to look deeper into it.


How about the Forgefiend with Hades Autocannons ? Is it worth its points ?

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Forgefiend is decent, problem is it just doesn't compare to units like rapier destroyers. To compare the fiend to rapiers, it's lower bs and less shots for a similar pts cost, and if you have a good place to park your rapiers it's not even more well protected. Likewise obliterators are have better firepower for a similar pts cost. 


All that being said it's not terrible though, I've often used a forgefiend in the past and I rarely regret it. 


The unit that's really not meant for long range though is a land raider-you're paying a ton of pts for essentially two lascannons (heavy bolter is useless agaisnt targets meant for lascannons). If you just want lascannons, a tri-las pred is so much cheaper and has more lascannons. 

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Depends what you what your firepower to do. However if you're not averse to FW the new Vindicator with laser destroyer is pretty damned good all round.
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Forgefiend is decent, problem is it just doesn't compare to units like rapier destroyers. To compare the fiend to rapiers, it's lower bs and less shots for a similar pts cost, and if you have a good place to park your rapiers it's not even more well protected. Likewise obliterators are have better firepower for a similar pts cost. 


All that being said it's not terrible though, I've often used a forgefiend in the past and I rarely regret it. 


The unit that's really not meant for long range though is a land raider-you're paying a ton of pts for essentially two lascannons (heavy bolter is useless agaisnt targets meant for lascannons). If you just want lascannons, a tri-las pred is so much cheaper and has more lascannons. 


Yeah, I mainly use it as a transport/bunker for melee units, but it was mainly to say that this was my longer range stuff.

I like Obliterators, but I don't like too much having similar units in my armies. Redundancy is important, but I think I can get away with redundancy through different units. Thanks for your feedback on the fiend !



Depends what you what your firepower to do. However if you're not averse to FW the new Vindicator with laser destroyer is pretty damned good all round.


I'm not adverse to FW, but in France the units are usually not welcome. Mainly because the rules are in English and many people have complaints about the points balance :)

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For fast units, bikers and spawn all day.  Bikers are great for light to medium armor hunting and objective grabbing, spawn make AWESOME screening units and tarpits, especially with Mark of Nurgle.

For firepower, if you're trying to stick to codex entries, Havocs and Oblits are your best bet.  Predators are good depending on the kind of board you are playing on.  I wouldn't recommend them if it's a lot of open terrain, but if you can sneak one around a building for a cover save, then they can be pretty nasty.

If you don't mind dipping into FW, Rapier Batteries and the Sicaran are pretty darn good.  

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Havoc Launchers on Rhino's are surprisingly effective as a support weapon. Generally everyone ignores my Rhino's in favour of the killier units. Additionally, having a havoc Launcher on a Rhino means it has a 54" effective range range, which is really useful in Night Fight which you can use to searchlight units.


For horde killing, the Predator is good, for 112 points you get a Predator with 2 heavy bolters, autocannon, havoc launcher and combi bolter.


I'm looking forward to the day we can squadron our vehicles.

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I am as well, seeing armies like eldar gets squadrons makes me really want to have predator and vindicator squadrons. Might not be the best choice but it would make both of those tanks more viable. 

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