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Returning to Chaos...but?

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After a long hiatus with various xenos and loyalist armies, I've decided to return to my roots and my very first army, Chaos.  Originally I played an army heavy with Khorne berzerkers, back when they struggled to shoot their bolt pistols.  Now I'm looking at either going with Khornate Marines with Daemonkin allies, or Daemonkin with Khornate Marines.


I've come to get your opinions to help me make a decision, because I'm completely at a stalemate...

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Especially if youre goingto ally CSM and Daemons anyway, you may as well get bonuses for doing it!


You should take a look through the forum, there are several ongoing new player and Daemonkin topics, take a look and see if theyre for you!









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Thanks Xenith!  Those links were extremely helpful, and I've decided to run Daemonkin primarily, with Khornate csm secondary so that I might add in a few of the fw tanks, flyers, and eventually a single Reaver titan!



Awesome Scribe!  I look forward to reading a daemonkin bat rep!


After reading the fluff I may change my warband from the DIY Coterie of Carnage to the Eightscarred...I love their description as unhinged fantatics :D

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You're running a Khorne army, they're all unhinged loonies!


Based on the handful of games that I, and another local player have run through, have to agree that Daemonkin should form the core of your army. My advice is to make sure you field a Blood Host detachment for the bonus Blood Tithe point a round.

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If you're going khorne primary, I'd probably go daemonkin altogether with no or few allies out of the CSM book. Daemonkin isn't a great army (then again, monokhorne CSM aint either), but to the extent they do work it's because of the blood tithe, and to get the most out of that rule you really want to be running many units with the 'blood for the blood god' rule (the main daemonkin army rule) and very few units without. Single-faction MSU is the name of the game for them.


Essentially, daemonkin are double-punished for allying. On the one hand, fewer units of your army will actually benefit from the blood tithe. On the other hand, you will also get fewer blood points, so what daemonkin units you have will be weaker. It's honestly an unnecessary double hit on a book that, while 'functional', isn't exactly tops bananas to begin with. All dead units could produce blood points regardless of what killed them or what book they came out of and it wouldn't be unbalancing. Whatever.


In larger games, it can still be worth snagging an allied detach of CSMs, w/ min cultists for the troops, if only to grab an extra IC (CSM juggerlord to add the axe of blind fury to a hound unit, or Kharne, if only because the lack of kharne in the daemonkin book is insulting to begin with) and access to FW goodies (between possessed, zerkers, csms, and letters, you'll have plenty of units which wouldn't mind a dreadclaw for delivery).


But again, I'd only consider it in larger games of 2k+, because every point you're not spending on BftBG units is hurting your primary gimmick by reducing the flow of blood points and reducing the number of units in your army that benefit from +1A or FNP when you cash those points in.

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