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Quick and easy Khorne scheme?

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Not really, man :P  I mean, you can paint these minis however you want.  You can have purple polka-dot berzerkers if you'd like, but the established colors associated with Khorne fluff wise are red and gold/brass.  I know the trim can be a pain in the butt and can get pretty tedious, but with time and practice you'll develop your skills and find it gets easier :)  Don't be in too big a rush with your minis.  The more time and patience you put into learning the craft, the better the output and sense of pride when you finally finish a squad ;)





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The quickest way I found to do my zerkers was to spray them black making sure you get all the recesses, then spray them from the top only(dusting?)with a bright red. paint the chain teeth, bolt gun barrels metal and roughly paint the edges of the shoulder pads gold. Finally give the model a light coat of army painter dip which will unify all the shading and neaten up the model. 4 main stages and easy to do in batches. Looks pretty good too. There was someone who was doing a retro Khorne army this way on the khorne only bit of the forum...which I think was discontinued a while ago.
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I've found that the use of washes is good to define the armour trim, even if you leave it the same colour.


I'd go a deep red, heavy red wash into recesses, highlight with original red, apply agrellan earth wash to recesses again.


Something like that.


There are some plague marines in my plog that I painted using only Dheneb stone and brown and green washes.

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One easier way to paint chaos marines in general is cut down on the amount of trim you have to paint. You could do this for example by painting up to the knees black/brass, rest of the legs and torso red, arms another or same color and then just paint the trim of the shoulder pads. That means you have less trim areas to worry about like on the gloves and legs. 

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