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Khorne Demonkin Blood Tithe Summoning

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Ok, so for summoning Demon Princes the rule states "a Demon Prince equipped with Warp-forged armor (and Demonic Flight if the model being used to represent it has wings) is summoned" (p.111). Does this mean that I have to give my winged Demon Princes Demonic Flight when they're summoned or is it a choice?


Reason being is I don't want to have to wait 2 turns to charge and don't want to buy a new one or break off their wings.

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I magnetized the wings on my daemon prince years ago. Whoop! Whoop!

Unfortunately he's all blue ermm.gif

I'm sure in friendly games, most players would be ok with just saying the wings are for show. Probably only a problem in tournaments.

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I read that as if it has wings it has Daemonic flight and thus the problem with the summoning rules.

I am glad i have a metal Daemon Prince without wings for when i summon one....

Yeah that's how I read the rules too, sucks but at least it's better than rolling a 66 on the Boon Table, lol

I magnetized the wings on my daemon prince years ago. Whoop! Whoop!

Unfortunately he's all blue ermm.gif

I'm sure in friendly games, most players would be ok with just saying the wings are for show. Probably only a problem in tournaments.

That's what I was thinking too. I want to have at least one without wings for this purpose.

I'm guessing that the best tactical thing to do is if you don't summon a Bloodthirster by turn 2 or 3 (for a last turn charge), you should summon the Demon Prince without wings almost every time since it can charge next turn.

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