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Removing Paint

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Hello Brothers!

I have been really trying to get my 40k act together lately and have hit a road block. My ravenwing bikers are undeniably ugly with think amounts of paint on it from multiple redos. Is there a good way to remove all paint from the model without harming it? Thanks!


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I'll add my vote to Simple Green.  And if you can afford it, pick up a small ultrasonic cleaner (somewhere like Harbor Freight) for around $30 or less.

I ran a couple models through a few 3-minute cycles and scrubbed them with a toothbrush in between.  A mere 15 minutes in the cleaner and some scrubbing and they were down to bare plastic.

If you can soak them overnight or for a full day, it's probably even easier.  But the ultrasonic cleaner helps a lot.

Just something to keep in mind in case you need to strip anything in the future (or clean jewelry or coins or whatever).

I don't strip minis often - usually I just try to fix a paint job if I've botched it - so the only times I need to strip one is if I get stuff used from others, or if I really pooch a paint job.


I could do without it, but it does in 15 minutes what used to take a day or two (because not all the paint ever comes off in the first soak).

Just an update because I forgot.... I have gone through the process of using a 2:1 water:simple green ratio, it took two days but I was able to remove 98% of the paint, only having a few bits of paint that had been multi layered back when I had no clue... It worked very well though, surprisingly the primer was not removed but that is probably because that primer is apparently ridiculously resistant to it....


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