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KDK: Charnel Cohort


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Still undecided if I'll run my World Eaters from the Deamonkin book but I like the idea of using it for my Khorne Deamon allies either way. At the min this would consist of:


Deamon Prince with wings

3 Bloodcrushers

15 bloodletters

5 Dire Wolves I can use as hounds


Obv this is an allied detachment, tho if I can find and extra bloodletter I could make 2 units and run a Charnel Cohort. Which would be significantly more awesome.


My question is re. equipment...seems to me everything thay can take a banner should for the +6 charge if nothing else. What about instruments? I was planning on starting the crushers, hounds and prince on the board, since they are fast eniugh to hopefully charge turn 2 and deepstriking in the bloodletters to support them. Are the instruments worth it?


Or are my tactics crap to begin with?


Advice is much appreciated. What do I do to claim maximum skulls for the skull throne?

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Or are my tactics crap to begin with?

yes. letters and crushers are realy bad. DPs are better out of the demon codex. If you plan to do WE. Take demon kin as main army, take cultists, max dogs , use points to summon cannons or if you realy realy realy need objective campers[you shouldn't] letters. the WE csm ally force should be taken out of the CS dex with a +2sv biker lord, some bikers[or spawn, but I am assuming you do not want to run a "nurgle" WE lord] and  mus csm in rhinos.

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Ok I should rephrase....these are the models I have, I wanna run them in a fun, fluffy list. I'm not gonna buy a load of new models. How do I make the most outta of these units so I at least have a chance and give my opponent a fun game?
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