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The Oathbreakers - An ETL WIP - Vow 1 complete

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Hi all


This is the start of my Imperial Knights force called The Oathbreakers. I'm starting with a Knights Errant as my first ETL Vow.


I'm still thinking up the fluff but right now it's going to be a group of Knights who became Freelancers for committing a crime against their respective Houses or the Empire for one reason or another. Since they still fight for the Empire they have been grouped together by a Handler who sends them to the most dangerous battles so they can be redeemed either through merits or death.


I got the idea from the DC super villain group Suicide Squad. I'm not good at thinking up fluff or stories so it'll take a long while to flesh things out for each Knight.


Anyways here's my first WIP pic of my Errant. Not much to him but have the lower half primed. Working on the body next.


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Fluff sounds interesting! Repentiant Knights, hopefully the models that come out will be as good :) looking forward to updates


Pity this isn't a chaos vow :( but I'll offer support nonetheless ;)

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Well I can include some Chaos. A Night Lord helmet trophy on a Knight will really help out. :D

o_0 you wouldn't dare! Much better to get a nice Black Legion helm on there, the lightning on NL can be irritating...not that I'm trying to dissuade you of course ;)

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My progress so far with my Knight. Really enjoying putting him together. Decided to just make him an Errant. I wanted to put it together first so I know what to do and then magnetize the next Knight.

Had to pull apart the gun case once because I forgot to put the melta canister thing in the back of the case. Wish that was BEFORE the step about putting the case together. Also glued the gun shield upside down but that was my fault for not paying attention. laugh.png

The arms and the head aren't glued on I'm painting them separate. They're just there so I can figure out the posing. Also the torso isn't glued to the legs for easier painting.

Let me know what you think. Thanks for viewing.

Sorry about the mess behind the Knight. I forgot to put one of my plasticard boards behind it.

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Great start!

i too look forward to seeing this grow to completion and will second the question of what colours will be used??

a note * on the lower torso/leg joining issue, you can glue a rod of square sprue to the button part that comes through from the central part of the legs into the lower torso it holds the 2 parts together but still allows the torso slight room to pivot (if you do do it make sure to do it BEFORE gluing the carapace top on unsure.png ..blush.png ...laugh.png )

cheers Mithril

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Thanks Wulfgar and Vel. I figured that a group of Repentiant(thanks Aeternas for that one) freelancers would be more fun to do up fluff and paint-wise.

As far as Schemes. I'm thinking for this Knight the main color will be green since I don't usually paint that color a lot and I'm thinking blue or yellow(Emperor help me) as secondary color.

The next Knight which might be a Crusader will probably be black, white and red. The pilots name I thought of would be Lady Hillary 'Harley' Quinntessa. Obviously I'm not very subtle on these things so the reference is a no-brainer. tongue.pnglaugh.png

Just started priming the arms and soon the carapace pieces.

Edit: Thanks Mithrilforge never thought of that about the sprue piece. I'll have to remember it. :)

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The next Knight which might be a Crusader will probably be black, white and red. The pilots name I thought of would be Lady Hillary 'Harley' Quinntessa. Obviously I'm not very subtle on these things so the reference is a no-brainer. :P:lol: :)

Subtlety is the defence of the weak ;) spend some time in the black templar forum and you'll see.


I'm firmly of the opinion you need to find a way to give her a hammer ;)


Nice work so far, good luck with the painting.

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Paint update! So I decided to paint my first Knight Green and white. I painted Celestra Grey as a base for the white on most parts just have to work on the shoulders and groin plate. I love the Bronze paints(screaming bell, heshnut copper, sycorax bronze) and golden griffon dry paint. :)
Just need to decide whether to paint the knee plates green/grey or a different color.


Let me know what you think. :)



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Just need to decide whether to paint the knee plates green/grey or a different color.

Let me know what you think. smile.png

The knee pads would look great in a halved scheme of green/white...but it would be a good area for some unique checkering or a special colour to define the specific knight i.e im guessing your harley quinn knight is going to have black and red check diamonds on the knee pad msn-wink.gif how about keeping the theme and having green & white diamonds on this one??

good luck with whatever you choose to do, i'll also add its looking good so far as well thumbsup.gif

Cheers, Mithril

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Hey all

Last progress update for my Knight before I finish it. Very happy with what I've done so far so decided to stop for the day. Tomorrow I'll be putting on the transfers and try to finish up the fluff intro. The arms, head, and carapace pieces aren't glued yet I just stuck them on for this shot. Enjoy! smile.png

Edit: Oh yeah the blood tears as his personal heraldry is mentioned in the fluff.
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Unbelievable, one of my favorite NES game series and I totally missed on that reference.


I figured I was finished with the painting but after reading your post Mithrilforge I went back and highlighted the top carapace armor and added some watered down Strong Tone ink to the rivets. hopefully things will stand out more. Up next will be the transfers and hopefully I can say i'm finished with the vow.

Thanks guys. :tu:


*now listening to Bloody Tears to atone for my forgetfulness*

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Unbelievable, one of my favorite NES game series and I totally missed on that reference.

I figured I was finished with the painting but after reading your post Mithrilforge I went back and highlighted the top carapace armor and added some watered down Strong Tone ink to the rivets. hopefully things will stand out more.

I hope so too,glad you went and took the extra steps as it deserves it!,put some pics up after the transfers are down thumbsup.gif


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++Transmission Incoming++

++Vox Sender Identification: The Handler++

You are here because you failed. You Sacrificed your duty in order to satisfy your honour in a challenge against an enemy who bested you in the end. The Oath you pledged to protect the people of your land is shattered. You have no land, no house, and no honour. Now you bear the Bloody Tears of those who cried out for a savior, a protector.

Sir Frederick Belmont - once a Knight of House Wallachia, now a Knight of the Emperor - you are reborn as one of the Oathbreakers. You will now return to battle with your fellow Knights of disgrace to regain the honour you have lost and step back into the light of the Emperor. Remember only in death does duty end. Then will the tears and the dishonour be wiped clean.

++Transmission End++

Well here he is my Knight is finished. Really enjoyed building him and learned a few things along the way. Like test fitting the knee pads BEFORE putting on the transfer so it's not upside down. Also the shin and shoulder transfers were a pain to put on.
Hope the little fluff piece/introduction is ok. I like the idea of creating stories around my minis I just have a hard time getting them onto paper/screen.
All in all I can say my Vow is complete and I can't wait to start my next vow after a few days break. smile.png

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